Build a Mosque at Ground Zero?

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Well-known member
I think Islam is a terrible religion. A mosque should not be built there, I don't think it will be built in the end.


Well-known member
If they have the money and the ability, why not? I don't care. It's a free country, isn't it?


Well-known member
My understanding is that the location in question is about 2 blocks from Ground Zero. And it's being planned on land that has been (as far as I know, anyway) acquired legally. So let them build it if they want to build. And if it turns into some haven for Islamic radicals who have nothing better to do than to plan ways to kill innocent Americans, at least they'll all be in one place.

Personally, I'm not as afraid as the people who want to build the mosque as those who might think it's acceptable to bomb it as retribution for what happened on September 11, 2001.


Well-known member
If they have the money and the ability, why not? I don't care. It's a free country, isn't it?

I think it's unrespectful for people who died there and their family. And do they need all those mosques ? In Belgium it's full of those things ...


Well-known member
Look let them build it. If something else happens, exterminate the muslims. Problem solved.


Well-known member
wow! This is really interesting, cause personally it seems to me to be an absolutely terrible idea, but the fact that so many people don't seem to have a problem with it is really curious to me!

The way I'm seeing it, it'd be like a bunch of crazy Arsenal fans blowing up Manchester Utd's stadium, devastating thousands of lives, then proposing they build the next Arsenal training ground where old trafford once stood! It just seems highly insensitive to me. I'm all for tolerence and loving your enemies, and I understand that the majority of Muslims are peace loving people, but this seems crazy to me.


Staff member
Closed thread under the world forum rule as some replies are islamaphobic

rules said:
4. Global This forum is a world forum, so members should respect each others religious and cultural differences, this also requires athiests and religious members to show respect when debating
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