Being told i don't smile enough.


Well-known member
People have told me this for as long as i can remember. I'm not a naturally outgoing, smiley person. I'm just not. If i'm happy or have something to smile about i will. I don't see everyone else walking around with a grin plastered on their face 24/7 so why do people think they have the right, people who don't even know me, to tell me to cheer up?

Some lady at work who i don't even know, was in the lift with me (elevator) and said something like (English isn't her first language) you remind me of the beautiful, sad princess who's waiting for her knight in shining armour to come and rescue her". :eek: Wtf?!


Well-known member
Some lady at work who i don't even know, was in the lift with me (elevator) and said something like (English isn't her first language) you remind me of the beautiful, sad princess who's waiting for her knight in shining armour to come and rescue her". :eek: Wtf?!

I see nothing wrong with that comment. She was just giving you a compliment. Yeah, it's always irritating when someone tells you that you need to smile.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
People have told me this for as long as i can remember. I'm not a naturally outgoing, smiley person. I'm just not. If i'm happy or have something to smile about i will. I don't see everyone else walking around with a grin plastered on their face 24/7 so why do people think they have the right, people who don't even know me, to tell me to cheer up?

Some lady at work who i don't even know, was in the lift with me (elevator) and said something like (English isn't her first language) you remind me of the beautiful, sad princess who's waiting for her knight in shining armour to come and rescue her". :eek: Wtf?!

What you said, there, just makes me laugh. Not because it's funny, but because I can definitely relate to what yer saying... like word for word. I'm not a smiley, naturally outgoing type either, by the way. I also don't get why people tell me tae smile more often. It kinda pissed off, tae be honest. Since, like you, I only smile when have something to smile or I'm geniuely happy.

Though the thought of everyone walking around with big grin on their faces 24/7 would be disturbing (The inmates would definitely be runnin' the asylum, then). :bigsmile:

It was rude what that lady said to you in the elevator at work. But, hey, if that was jist of what she said, then at least she actually complimented you. At least that's somethin' slightly positive. :thumbup: I guess it depends how ye look at it.


Well-known member
Me too. I can't smile if I have nothing to smile about. I've been told to smile even when I'm not happy, just for the sake of socializing with others. But I think not smiling is probably better than fake smiling all the time.


Well-known member
I'd say that was half of a compliment. Lol, maybe you should try what the old man does in the video ^.

Instead of getting asked to smile, people usually ask me "why are you sad?" or "you look tired." I always go, "sorry that's just the way my face looks" or something snarky.

Why shouldn't you be allowed to respond with what's on your mind, afterall.


Well-known member
That reminds me. I don't do this really anymore but I did in college. When I was very very nervous and was thrown into a group setting (like a club or whatever) I would have this stupid smile plastered on my face.
I remember a year or so after college, I was giving a serious presentation and this one guy was just smiling, ear to ear. And I was thinking, that's how I must have looked back in college. This guy must be very nervous. It made him look like an idiot which meant I must have looked like one too. LOL


Well-known member
That reminds me. I don't do this really anymore but I did in college. When I was very very nervous and was thrown into a group setting (like a club or whatever) I would have this stupid smile plastered on my face.
I remember a year or so after college, I was giving a serious presentation and this one guy was just smiling, ear to ear. And I was thinking, that's how I must have looked back in college. This guy must be very nervous. It made him look like an idiot which meant I must have looked like one too. LOL

Maybe he was just extra happy that day or really enjoying your presentation. lol


Well-known member
Ah yes, I can relate! Nothing worse than being told to smile. Or that you're not very "bubbly". Ugh - so rude! :bat:


Well-known member
It's not that bad, a guy in the mall said to me. I don't know, sometimes it feels really horrible.