Becoming a meat eater...


Well-known member
Hey guys! :)

I have been a veggie for 7 years now, but recently i have started to think that maybe eating meat would make me much healthier as it is just so hard to get all the right nutrients from just eating veggie foods. There are lots of other reasons why i think i should start eating meat again but that is the main one.

The idea of eating meat does scare me since i have just not eaten it for so long! I have actually forgotten what it tastes like!

A few years ago i was at my lowest weight, and doctors told me i had to put on weight or i would be putting myself at risk of being hospitalised - may sound like anorexia, but tbh i have never believed i was anorexic, just suffered from SA. Anxiety is/was as i am trying to get over it, a big controller of what i eat/ate. But anyway now im thinking eating meat may help me to become a healthy weight the weight i have been trying to get to over the past few years. I have got half way there from just a veggie diet, but it has been hard. You just dont get enough fat or protein from a veggie diet!

Do you guys have any advice for me? Any of you been through this - statrted eating meat again after being a veggie?

This is just slightly off topic i know, but just wanted to know what y'all thought! ;)


Well-known member
I have been through this years ago,I stopped eating meat because it was cruel to animals,was sick for the first days,but later I realized that whatever reason we are here it was meant for animals to eat other animals,the problem as I see is that the world is to populated, in this case of supply, so the food industry have to turn into a "factory".


Well-known member
I've never been a full vegetarian/vegan, but I've reduced my meat intake a little bit over the past couple years. Sorry I can't really relate, but if you are going to start eating meat again, I would definitely advise organic meat if you can get it. Organic meats have such a different, and better, flavor than the usual crud you buy in the store. Store bought meat makes me feel sick too, and I think it has something to do with what they feed the animals and the processing.


Staff member
^^^^ Yup oily fish, very healthy! Red meat, not so much. Definatly go organic


Well-known member
Thanks guys!

I have litterally eaten no meat in the past 7 years, and well never ate much red meat before that, just mainly chicken and fish and bacon, would you recommend i should start eating these first?


Well-known member
Even though I'm not a vegetarian, I think it's good that you are a vegetarian. If you start eating meat, you might never be able to go back to being a vegetarian again. It's hard to stop. Maybe you should just eat it once in a while, or eat a certain type of meat, not the whole rainbow. I dunno, it's your body, you know what's good for you.


Well-known member
most legal systems explicitly forbid the consumption of human flesh

otherwise, i think you're ok


Active member
I have never eaten meat, and I am rather healthy. When I did work out and lift weights, I put on muscle extremely quickly.

My blood tests, when I do a general health check every few years, show exceptional results. (I can even scan in the latest without too much hassle if you want)

I get quite a few headaches, but the least in my family, so it's probably genetic.

I did smoke for just over 3 years now, and that made me extremely unhealthy. Feel like I need to seriously detox now that I have quit for over 6 months (do take a few losengers a week).

My great grandfather was vegetarian for his entire life as well, and he's seriously old.(not sure about the exact age, but I remember making him a 106th birthday card.)

My father however, is a huge meat eater, smokes, has done quite a few drugs in his time, and his health is truly horrible. Not long I would say.

Yet, if you have social phobia and discuss being a vegetarian, certain circles of people will absolutely have a go at you about it. Insisting that you are unhealthy. And they will likely comment on your looks, and prey on weakness of any kind to reinforce their perspective. Which is probably not theirs, but everyone around them.

So either lie, give in and eat meat, or associate with more open minded people.

This is all my perspective, and may be completely wrong.


Well-known member
My brother's a pescatarian, and because of him I can give you some advice: Start small.

If you're not used to eating meat, you're not used to eating meat. Your digestive tract produces enzymes for the food it's used to dealing with. So if you throw a large amount in that it's not used to dealing with, your stomach will let you know. With my brother, his stomach acts up any time he accidentally eats something made with any chicken, beef, pork, etc. bits. Even something like chicken stock gives him the runs.

So instead of tearing into the largest steak you can find, maybe adding a bit to a veggie dish would be the safer route to go. Work your way up to eating regular-sized portions. Unless you enjoy drastic diet changes.... ;)

And as long as you do it for yourself, there's nothing wrong with choosing whatever diet you want to choose. Despite picking a predator for my username, I secretly greatly admire vegans and vegetarians.


Well-known member
Find a local burger place!!

I don't like the idea of animals dying so I can eat, but these animals are bread for food....even tho that doesn't lessen what they may feel. If animals didn't taste so good it would be an easy decision!

....human tastes like pork......supposedly