Ban the person above you.


^Banned for putting steroids into Ben Johnson's water bottle during the 1988 summer olympics and the conspiracy to make Canada look bad in front of the entire world because you're all so jealous of our superior totem poles.


Well-known member
^ Banned for arming emperor penguins with rainbow-striped bazookas that shoot frozen bananas.


Well-known member
^banned for the innapropriate costume he wore to the 2012 Great Canadian Beaver Festival after misunderstanding what the name of the festival was in reference to
^Banned for leaving a bowl of very Hot Chilli Vegetable soup on the top of his car when he went inside to answer the phone, and killing the family of foxes that live under his house when they ate it.

^banned for the innapropriate costume he wore to the 2012 Great Canadian Beaver Festival after misunderstanding what the name of the festival was in reference to