awkward conversation with hairdresser today

today I went and got my hair done, Its a nice wee girly treat for myself once every month, getting my hair washed by someone else and styled and my confidence increases. The woman doing my hair today was so nice, she asked if I wanted a cup of tea and was asking me questions and chatting to me, at first I was fine answering yes or no but then I said something and she looked at me weirdly, then I started to go over everything I said, I noticed I started sweating due to anxiety and i started feeling so awkward and then noticed i started to about my partner and that i'm exicted to move in with him and other random things bout my partner and realised in the space of 5 minutes i just told a random stranger that i didn't know bout my boyfriend and me, i paniced and he was the first thing that i thought bout to talk about. i found it so awkward, and that look they give you i hate it, my hair turned out amazing just how i imagined it but i felt so self conscious and awkward so for the last fifteens minutes of my appointment i just sat slient, i must of looked so rude but my hair was amazing and at the end i had got myself all nervous and anxiety was up through the roof that what came out my mouth i didn't even hear i just blacked out....

:kickingmyself::kickingmyself:simple conversations that are easy for other people just aren't easy for me, i heard other peoples conversations with the other hairdressers and they all flowed and weren't awkward. I found it awkward because i am new to that hairdressers and the one i usually go to is back at home and im living away from home now and i don't see the point of travelling all the way home to get my hair done, but my old hairdressers was a sister of one of my friends so she knew me pretty well so it was easy to talk to her because i knew her.


Well-known member
Getting my hair cut is one activity that really fires my anxiety up.

I went to a hairdresser who seemed to have a problem with me closing my eyes while he cut my hair.

Some people seem to think I don't hear what they say. That with anxiety I must be deaf and have no intelligence. In fact I am acutely aware and intelligent. If staff at a business I frequent respond negatively to my anxiety, then I take my business elsewhere.


Well-known member
I am sure hairdressers have many quiet, awkward customers. They have so many customers they probably don't remember each of them for long afterwards. I am sure you wouldn't have made an impression as bad as you may think. I think part of a hairdressers job is to listen.

For many customers being that physically close to a stranger can be a bit daunting, as well as being unsure of how much or how little to say. I know I've been to the hairdresser and squirmed inside when they ask perfectly innocent questions.

I've decided to avoid going to the hairdressers. I am fortunate that I am male, every couple of months or so I give myself Number 4 with my hair clippers.
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Well-known member
There's nothing really wrong with that. It's alright to start a conversation even if it's about your partner. I very rarely go to a hair dresser and when I do go my mom just has to come because she wants to. She usually talks with the hairdresser the entire time I'm getting a hair cut. It saves me from the hassle of talking. I occasionally laugh or nod, but that's pretty much the extent of it...I'm awkward too lol.
im glad people don't think anything of it and she probs wont remember what i said, i may go to a different hairdressers to save me embrassment or cut my hair myself...


Well-known member
I had the same experience at the dentist's. In an attempt to appear social and break the ice, I spoke with the dental assistant who cleaned my teeth. I felt very anxious when she looked at my face the whole time so I closed my eyes. But it was still awkward because I sounded like a kid, a scared kid to be exact. At some point she told me that we're more than halfway through and I said 'yeah' kinda loudly. Then I heard some laughter from the other room. It was embarassing.

Anyways, this is not the only time I've been laughed at for being immature. For some reason whenever I try to connect with people, the child in me comes out and I end up acting like an immature kid. I really want to fix this.


Well-known member
Honestly, yes, you are one of the only quiet people who go in there and I know this because I am similar to you except I talk even less.

My advice: stop caring about being different and get used to being different.

A couple years back, I stopped worrying about being a socialite and it took pressure off my shoulders.

I've been the weird one so many times that I'm used to it. I've noticed that when you are comfortable being weird, other people will often be comfortable with you. They can see your confidence and that will often be respected by others.

And yes, I'm saying you can be confident in not being socially confident....if that makes sense.


Well-known member
Btw, dealing with a barber/hairdresser is much easier than going to a bar, party or any kind of designed social event with peers.


It's about the biggest hangup in the world
Nothing to say / celebrate / giggle
I always fall asleep in the chair - the grooming lulls me

If the person keeled over and split her skull on the tiles,
I'd call paramedics, performing chest pumping and blowing air into the lungs until they turned up, removing any electrical hazard

Starting initially in the chair with "how are you?"
is impossible for me


Well-known member
Ugh getting a haircut is terrible. I just cut my own hair at home now with the buzzer. :ironicsmile:


Active member
Don't feel too alone here. I'm big into couponing and bargain did the whole "find a hairstyle that requires little to no maintenance and a cheap way to get trims" thing...and I now trade errands with someone I know who has been to beauty school in exchange for keeping my natural hair looking neat every few months. But I used to save up special to go to salons..and when I did..I had the same experience. I could hear myself, and I knew I was behaving in a perfectly normal way and talking about normal things to talk about in the salon were you...talking about your partner is not at all weird in that situation. But I also would do the same thing..I would know I didn't do anything odd on an intellectual level, but emotionally I would just feel like I made the situation weird and said inappropriate things. Getting any type of beauty treatment is an odd social situation anwyay. Someone you probably don't know well is touching your head..or face...or both...which is something that normally doesn't happen in social're kind of trapped in the chair...staring at yourself in a mirror or in front of people with cosmetics on your head or face...all very awkward from the start. So I think it's natural for most people to feel weird afterward socially...and if you already have social anxiety like we all do...times that by ten.


Well-known member
I hate sitting there and talking because they always manage to ask personal questions in front of many other people who may or may not be randomly listening in. so I will usually ask if they mind if I just sit quietly, they always say yes but it seems to piss them off, and I don't know why.


Active member
I feel your pain. The last time I went to the hair dressers was one that my brother worked at. They all thought I was a complete weirdo. So i haven't been to one since (about 6 years ago to be exact) and thank god my brother can do my hair from home to save me from those awkward conversations!!


Well-known member
same thing happen to me 2 months a go, except me and my friend we went to do some "stuff" at his house and got home and my sister drove me to the barber at the mall, i was so high on a substance that for thirty minutes i was actually staring at the mirror and dint realize that i was staring at my stylist, she started making small talk asking if a i was ok and stuff. i felt like a weirdo... im never going back their again...