They are taking a simple thing like anxiety and making it complicated.
Anxiety, in its many forms, is not simple. This verges on being an insult to the difficulties that many people have with anxiety in their lives.
They are taking a simple thing like anxiety and making it complicated.
Anxiety, in its many forms, is not simple. This verges on being an insult to the difficulties that many people have with anxiety in their lives.
Google "Social Anxiety Disorder" or "Aviodant Personality Disorder" and you will see we are all so crazy to think it's more complicated then purely "tensing up".
Anxiety has been around for years. It has evolved actually, as have humans. Anxiety is when you have tense muscles and these tense muscles strangle your thoughts so you can't think properly. Some people like myself are always tense, which means I have an anxiety disorder. I don't believe there is much more to it and don't see why you claim it's so complicated. Tense muscles=anxiety....doesn't sound too complicated to me.
these muscles...
they just get all tense for no reason?
outta the blue?
Anxiety has been around for years. It has evolved actually, as have humans. Anxiety is when you have tense muscles and these tense muscles strangle your thoughts so you can't think properly. Some people like myself are always tense, which means I have an anxiety disorder. I don't believe there is much more to it and don't see why you claim it's so complicated. Tense muscles=anxiety....doesn't sound too complicated to me.
If it was just the "tense muscles", a muscle-relaxant medication would make it all go away.
It does not fix the whole problem, because it does not address what is going on in your mind.
I've been automatically tense since I could remember. I am tense because it's habitual for me. It's not a choice, people with bad anxiety are just naturally tense. The only reason humans have anxiety is for survival instincts. Nowadays, anxiety is almost always a bad thing that makes people suffer. Some people are just born with an anxiety problem through genetics. Both of my parents have anxiety issues as well.
People avoid things because they have anxiety in the first place. These are just fancy names people come up with to make money. Don't be fooled by the medical field. They are here to help you, but the main thing they are here for is to make money. It's a business just like any other business. And anxiety is not something you just brush off, it's a serious condition that ruins lives.
James u are saying that exist actually only one word for every mental illness?
I know a lot things is only bussines and how to make money here i agree with u. But that they make it specially disorders complicated only for making full theirs pockets?
I dont think so because look how much disases is by fyzic illnesses i know is diffrent door wich im now opening but for me is the same as u say ok we can die only on heart attack and if hurts u heart u definetly have only heart attack. Because doctors are saying that. They are many studies about mental illnesses and a lot of work on it.
right - so we get into a situation which we THINK is a matter of survival, i.e. something frightening - the fear produces anxiety - the anxiety/fear that we experience mentally and emotionally causes us to tense up physically
i don't think it's the other way around
I'm not tense when I'm alone at my house, never have been. There are lots of time throughout the day in which I'm not tense,actually almost the entire day. I clearly have AvPD though. This seems not to follow what you are saying at all. The only times I am ever tense really is after enter something I am pushed to avoid. Please, explain to me how this fits into your little theory.
Also Minty I think this part of DespairSoul's post may help explain what happens whan someone with AvPD faces something they are trying to avoid
In contrast, patients with AvPD wear their faint avoidant hearts on their
sleeves. They present clinically with mild to severe generalized relationship
difficulties. They fear closeness and intimacy and commitment itself,
not a substitute, stand-in, or replacement for these. As a result, avoidants
are clinically more socially anxious and withdrawn than they are phobic,
that is, they present not with an encapsulated fear on the order of a fear
of public speaking but either with a generalized shyness that consists of
difficulty meeting people, or with an ambivalence about relationships that
consists of difficulty in sustaining relationships with people they have
already met. As a consequence, they are either painfully tentative about
seeking out relationships in the first place or, if not tentative, then ambivalent
about the relationships they find, so that they start relationships only
to then pull back from them."
I guess I was trying to exaggerative a point, but I mean I do feel anxiety and fear, but not in the same way. I mean the physical symptoms aren't there in regards to anxiety. Discomfort, but nothing visible and not very noticeable to me. I have anxious thoughts, no doubt about that. I did kinda throw that word around a bit, sorry if it was misleading/confusing. You know actually I don't really know what I'm talking about, sorry. Not a psychologist, just a sufferer. Trying to explain it is hard, don't want to say something you take serious that really shouldn't be. Never mind, just ignore that. Sorry.
No that isn't what I'm saying. I'm not saying anxiety is the reason for every mental illness. People can be psychotic that don't have an anxiety disorder, they are just psychotic. I'm sure there are other mental illnesses that aren't anxiety. I was just talking about illnesses that are now called "avoidance-this" and "avoidance-that" or agoraphobia....those are all anxiety. I don't really care what they are called. I'm not saying that the definitions of these disorders aren't correct, i just think when they have all these definitions it makes people overwhelmed because all these people really need to know is that they have anxiety, and to work on overcoming that anxiety. It's hard enough to overcome anxiety, if it's even possible, and to have all these fancy terms thrown in your face with all these definitions can make things worse.
^ So it sounds like your self-esteem gets damaged when you do something you perceive to be less than perfect in front of others. It doesn't really matter what they think of you, and most of the time they won't even indicate what they think of you. So you're projecting your own thoughts of worthlessness onto them. When you avoid them, there is no one to project negative thoughts onto.
And this is more of an avoidant thing than an SA thing because you do not experience the physical symptoms of anxiety, like a rapid heart beat, sweating, mind blanks, etc.