Aversion to Social Hugging

Greetings all. I am curious to find out how many of you out there have an aversion to social hugging. I have trouble with this when relatives come to visit or meeting an old friend. I just feel awkward when I have to approach the subject for an embrace or hug. Thoughts?
Yes, very much, plus the kiss on the cheek thing; it feels very awkward, but not doing it feels even more so


Well-known member
I'm not against social hugging, but I'd prefer the handshake, but even that has so many rules and regulations, maybe a high-five or fist-bump would be better....


not actually Fiona Apple
I'm not a hugger, being touched by other people makes me uncomfortable especially in a social setting. I'll never initiate a hug, but if someone goes in for the kill I won't fight it, it only lasts 5 seconds and not hugging back makes the situation much more awkward. Hugs feel very intimate to me, which while it's something I long for also makes me feel very uncomfortable.


Well-known member
I used to go stiff when my old buddies from high school would hug me (they LOVED giving out hugs). It doesn't really bother me anymore, though, and I'm more willing to reciprocate hugs in a friendly manner (though not initiate them). The only way I would initiate a hug is if I was in a relationship with someone.


Well-known member
I don't think anyone but my mom, my grandma, and my boyfriend have ever kissed me on the cheek. If that's a cultural thing I'm sooooo glad we don't have it here. :)


I am not really a huggy person either.... it makes me feel weird. I will do it though to appease the other person (seriously the things I DO...sigh)

I read somewhere, that hugging and touching other people is supposed to be good for ones mental health. (touching people you know I mean... dont go out and get arrested or anything)


Well-known member
Yes, hugging feels very awkward for me. I rarely initiate a hug with anyone. I hate family gatherings when people are arriving or leaving and you never know who's gonna give you a hug and who's gonna go for a handshake and who's just gonna say hi or bye and wave. I don't hug my friends. Not that I see much of them anyway. It just feels uncomfortable for me. I don't really like people touching me. I'd probably be very cuddly if I had a boyfriend. Although getting to that stage would be difficult. Early on, I'd likely feel very awkward trying to figure out when it's ok to touch, hug and kiss.:confused:

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I actually like hugs. I wish they would last longer. It just feels so nice to be held like that. Kinda like a child. I am always trying to hug family members...but most of the time they pull away. Whenever I am sad and down, all I want is for someone to hold me. But no one ever does. Hugging isn't something I normally would do with friends back when I had them even though I wanted to...would have been awkward I guess since I am not the sort of warm, bubbly sort of person who would give hugs. It was like a special occasion thing (birthdays, graduation). If I ever meet one of you in person, be prepared for a hug!

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I read somewhere, that hugging and touching other people is supposed to be good for ones mental health. (touching people you know I mean... dont go out and get arrested or anything)

This would be very accurate.

I just carried my niece and gave her a big hug! (She is the only person who will gave me a hug...oh, and my cats too, but they tend to growl. I squeeze too hard.)


Well-known member
I am a pretty darn social person and I cannot stand hugging. I mean these days people are more into hugging than they are the classic handshake, its like they do it because its a habbit or something. I had an awkward moment the other night when I ran into this girl who I used to see years ago, we walked past one another on our way too and from the restroom and she say hi, kinda went in for the hug and I just backed away and kinda laughed it off. It was weird and very awkward although I did kinda feel bad over it. I only hug those who are really close to me.


Well-known member
I read somewhere, that hugging and touching other people is supposed to be good for ones mental health. (touching people you know I mean... dont go out and get arrested or anything)
I've heard this, too. Babies who aren't touched much have mental issues. Babies who aren't touched at all die.

Yes, I prefer anti-social hugging myself.
Hugging ironically? ;)


I've heard this, too. Babies who aren't touched much have mental issues. Babies who aren't touched at all die.

Hugging ironically? ;)

Wow, I didnt know that. Thats...really sad...but interesting. It just goes to show that we need human contact to survive.


Well-known member
Wow, I didnt know that. Thats...really sad...but interesting. It just goes to show that we need human contact to survive.
Don't quote me on the babies dying thing, but that is also what I've heard. I have no evidence to back me up.


Well-known member
I've never been a huggy person. I used to actively resist my mother's attempts to hug me when I was a baby apparently. I'm a little better now, but I never initiate a hug--it's always the other way around.


Don't quote me on the babies dying thing, but that is also what I've heard. I have no evidence to back me up.

I read a few articles, I dont think there is a definitive answer really, but I am convinced now that lack of touch (or perhaps shall we say...love?) is highly detrimental to a newborn baby... from an objective perspective I mean.. its pretty obvious that its neglect... which is a form of abuse.

The Effect Of Human Contact On Newborn Babies | LIVESTRONG.COM


Well-known member
I'm very huggy with my boyfriend and my nephews.

But if anyone else hugs on me, I tense up. Even if I really like them. Even if I'm really happy that they like me enough to want to hug me.

I like touch, I find it soothing. So why do I act this way?

Hugs feel very intimate to me, which while it's something I long for also makes me feel very uncomfortable.

This may be why.