Aversion to Social Hugging


Well-known member
I'm not used to anyone touching me. Hugging and kissing does not come natural to me. It makes me feel uncomfortable.
Only feels bad if with a family member (as we never did hugs/etc).
But with other relatives, who aren't so flaming "neurotic" about displaying/showing affection, then i'm "okay" with (though is bit of a wierd novelty for me - mucks with my head a bit, eg i think 'why on earth do they want to hug me, what is their ulterior motive???', etc, etc).
Yep, i'm scr*wd!!

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I'm really not bothered by hugging although, as others have said, I would never initiate a hug. But then I have problems using people's first names, so that's hardly suprising. :rolleyes: ::p:
This will have to be explained in technical language but it's the only way I can think of passing on this wisdom.
Meet relatives/friends while they're still walking towards the point of arrival announcement.Hold a hostess item in one had so as to have a social excuse for executing a shoulder to shoulder greeting move on the weakest and most cherished member of the group.(stand side by side,grab victims shoulder and act like the surgeons never separated you at birth)
Upon executing the maneuver you should proceed with presenting your captive (the person currently in your grip) to the other accompanying arrivals who made the journey to your home with them.
This is known as the "Hawaiian shirt" play.A loud flashy camouflage not for use in a cold climate.
You will only need to do this with one person for all witnesses to have felt the impact/satisfaction.


Well-known member
I like hugs from close friends or relatives, but apart from that, I don't like any physical contact with other people whatsoever.


Well, it's for religious, old, or fragile people. Dependent on everyone else...

I think my family saw me as a weirdy for being avert to that.


Well-known member
It doesn't bother me so much. I don't mind handshakes or hugs because they're a social formality, and you can do them with pretty much anyone. There's a little anxiety around how to get the perfect handshake (like how much to squeeze, etc.) but that's easy to diffuse. My problem comes after the handshake, when I actually have to talk. Eugh.