Autumn comes and brings holidays


Well-known member
What's your favorite part of the fall season? Are you a fan of Halloween or Thanksgiving? Are you looking forward to anything in particular?

I'm hoping to make it to one of the local haunted houses or themed outdoor events this year. My friend wants to go to the zombie pub crawl, but it sounds like a bit much for me.

What started out in 2005 with 100 bored souls wandering around a few blocks of northeast Minneapolis dressed like zombies (yep, that's it; that's the gimmick), the ZPC has grown into a serious, moneymaking bonanza of blood involving both the Twin Cities -- and thus about 20 shuttle buses this year.

Some of the nearly 18,000 patrons expected to buy Zombie Crawl wristbands will need safe, sober transportation, since the event now stretches between Minneapolis' West Bank and St. Paul's Lowertown. They don't really want to wind up dead, after all.


Well-known member
I wouldn't mind taking part in the zombie crawl. :)

It's almost spring in Australia. This time of year brings out the rugby league finals series and warmer weather. Beaches become more populated, ice cream is highly consumed, and shade is once again discovered and loved. :D


Well-known member
I love autumn. It took me a while to love it, but I can now say it's my favorite season. :) I always look forward to seeing all the leaves change. I think that's one of the only things I like living where I am because we have so many trees, and thus it's sooo colorful here in the fall.

I also love the weather though. It's cold in the morning, but not freezing, and it warms up later in the day but it doesn't get hot. It's just right. I could live with that kind of temperature all year and not grow sick of it. Sadly NY usually has super freezing winters that I absolutely don't like that follow quickly once fall is here.


Well-known member
I just like the cooler temps. I have huskies so they love it so much. Oh and all the pumpkin flavored stuff, yummy


Well-known member
I do like turkey sandwiches-- although since I'm gluten free now, it means I have to buy different turkey than I used to and I really dislike gluten free bread, so I guess no more turkey sandwiches for me...

I'll be alone for halloween as far as I know; as usual. We only got 4 kids at the door last year, so we won't be bothering with candy handouts this year.


Well-known member
this weekend is the "Pumpkin Patch" festival in a neighboring community - lots of people come up for that

next weekend is "Fall Fest" here in my village - the population goes from 800 to 100,000

there's a parade, then everyone gets drunk - there are large beer tents and a polka band in the street

we call it "Fall Down Fest"

thankfully, it marks the end of the tourist season - the rest of fall and winter are quiet and peaceful here


Well-known member
fall and winter are great when you are in love. when you are single, it is just depressing. no one to share festivities with. everything is a glaring reminder that you are alone.



Well-known member
fall and winter are great when you are in love. when you are single, it is just depressing. no one to share festivities with. everything is a glaring reminder that you are alone.


Well said. So true... its the only time of year I really hate being single.