ask the next person?


Well-known member
yeah if it's in good shape sure :bigsmile:

Have you ever visted SPW in your PJ'S?
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Well-known member
120 blinks per minute


what is your dream car?


Well-known member
^bicycling, hiking, sex

i've been trying to motivate myself to get into the gym and start running again :sarcastic:

what sort of sauce do you like on your spaghetti?
what would you do for a klondike bar?

Not much because I don't think they're extraordinarily delicious. Just another vanilla ice cream bar coated in chocolate. The crunchy one is pretty good, though.

If you had to choose between walking around for one day in your underwear (even in public) but smelling good, or walking around clothed but smelling horrible from up to 5 feet away - what would you choose?


Well-known member
beer, although i'm trying to give up wheat, so i guess wine will have to do

what are you planning to get me for christmas?


Well-known member
lake, im tired of living by the beach (california) i never go there and its gross there

what your favorite quote?


Well-known member
winter, more peaceful, pretty, nice clean, crisp smell of nature in the air, idk i just love winter

if you were an animal what would you be?


Well-known member
cause today's generation of crappy electro music is more....'entertaining' then actual good music. *sigh* nobody appreciates good music anymore.

if you could have a dream job what would you do?
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