Dear Kia,Dear Mikey's Mum
Can I live at your place for a bit - my mum isn't making my french fries in the right shape and I am most displeased.
Yours clingingly,
Dear The Lone Gunman,Dear Mikeyc's mumma,
It wasn't Mikey that set fire to your living room rug when he was 8 yrs old. It was me. But I was too chicken to say anything and let him take the fall
I'm sorry!
Dear Srijita,Dear Mikey's mom, is there any cure for procrastination? How do you help Mikey deal with it?
Dear Marty McFly,Dear Mikey's mum,
Recently I built a time machine out of a delorean however I can't get my flux capicitor to flux properly. Also I need to generate 1.21 giggawatts of power for it to work and the only way for this to happen is to steal plutonium from some libyans.
What should I do?
Yours Marty Mcfly
Aka Kia.