Are you someone's crush?


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TooShyShy said:
Well, i think part of the problem is YOU TELL YOURSELF no one would want you so in reality YOU ARE CREATING YOUR OWN REALITY you become what you think and feel.

Is that what you all really want?

creating wa??

k i am okay with myself and all since this shell is wat i have to work with but seriously i dont think anybody should like me as i am right now

i am still in the process of self improvement and someone who has a crush on me and with that being apparent would cause trouble for me


Well-known member
But I've had a few girlfriends before. They all broke my heart, after i let them in too easily.


Well-known member
Yes, I have been in the past. I do not whether that is so right now - do not hesitate to contact me if applicable.


Well-known member
Well, i think part of the problem is YOU TELL YOURSELF no one would want you so in reality YOU ARE CREATING YOUR OWN REALITY you become what you think and feel.

Is that what you all really want?

I agree - implicitly, that is part of what behavioural cognitive therapy is saying.


Well-known member
I can think of a couple times online if that counts... one undesired, one desired but obviously hopeless since her SA was even worse than mine.

Really the only time I was around people in person was in school, and since I wouldn't even say hello to anyone or sit with anyone, nobody was going to waste their breath asking me out.

Why did it make it hopeless?


Well-known member
There is a common theme in this thread: making the other person's decision for them ("I did not believe she could be interested in me", "who me? that's crazy", "No, who would have a crush on me"). I suspect there is a variation on this theme: "he\she is not my type" (if there is no-one in the whole, wide world who is your type, then that just sounds like another way of saying "who would like me?").

If someone likes you, then surely that is their decision, not yours, and it is valid for them to make it.


Well-known member
In my over used, much accurate statement: -->I have no idea.<--

Yeah... How would you know if they are shy too. If they were too friendly I might avoid her or him. I did once have a guy admit to me that he liked me. I politely declined since I dont swing that way. We had been friends for a while and after that episode he never talked to me again.

I felt so used and heart broken...::p:
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I surely hope not. x3

Not that I wouldn't be flattered, but I'm already taken. I'd have to give someone the ''You're a nice guy/gal'' speech and hurt his/her feelings. :c That's why I always (try) to make it clear that I'm your friend, and that anything that may seem to be romantic, is merely intense friendship. To eliminate confusion. :3

I have no reason to believe I'm on someone's mind right now. Which is good, because I don't like smashing people's hopes. Especially when it regards someone nice. :c

just wanna b normal

Well-known member
Just curious. Has anyone been the object of desire? Did someone have a crush on you? If so, how did you handle it? :D

this girl had a huge crush on me in fact she started stalking me (long time ago tho 2yrs ago)but i never told her how i felt & she got tired of waiting so she started sleeping around & it broke my heart knowing she did that & i cant doing any about it cuzz my SA(true story)i shold of told her how i felt!:mad:::(: