About a year and a half ago, a woman I had been talking to online for a couple years suddenly decided she was interested in me. The tone of her conversation became "flirtier" but I didn't really think a whole lot about it. First of all, she was 13 years younger than me (NOT young enough to be "illegal" btw) and didn't seem to have any trouble finding men, both good and bad. Secondly, after we exchanged pics (for the first time) it turns out that she was quite attractive, and after that, I REFUSED to believe that she could POSSIBLY want to be anything more than friends with me. I simply REFUSED REFUSED REFUSED to believe it, no way, no how. Anyway, after she became explicit with me about it, I told her I didn't feel the same way, and needless to say this strained relations between us..we talked for about another month before she stopped talking to me altogether.... We never became more than "friends", and I still haven't figured out whether or not this was good or bad in the long run. But it completely ended the friendship.
There used to be this woman at work who had a thing for me. Actually, I think there were several guys in the office she was after. She was 10 years older than me and boy-crazy. Also, crazy in the regular sense of the word as well. I mean, she had severe emotional problems, and hid them from nobody. She proposed marriage to me twice (at least, I only remember two). She also took me out to lunch two or three times, and I went for the free meal. (I'm so "ashamed" <sniff>)
And then there's this girl who started where I work last year. I was chosen to be a "point person" for her, so she could come to me with questions and I could help her get "set up" in the first few months she worked for us. I wasn't in an actual position of authority over her though. We just got matched up since I've been working there a long time. We got along pretty well, and after a few months, she admitted to me that she might have a little crush on me (even though she has a live-in bf). That was a while ago so I think that's died down a bit. Since I'm pretty "well-established" and was able to help her a lot in the beginning, I probably came off as confident and capable in that way that women seem to go for.