Are you someone's crush?


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About a year and a half ago, a woman I had been talking to online for a couple years suddenly decided she was interested in me. The tone of her conversation became "flirtier" but I didn't really think a whole lot about it. First of all, she was 13 years younger than me (NOT young enough to be "illegal" btw) and didn't seem to have any trouble finding men, both good and bad. Secondly, after we exchanged pics (for the first time) it turns out that she was quite attractive, and after that, I REFUSED to believe that she could POSSIBLY want to be anything more than friends with me. I simply REFUSED REFUSED REFUSED to believe it, no way, no how. Anyway, after she became explicit with me about it, I told her I didn't feel the same way, and needless to say this strained relations between us..we talked for about another month before she stopped talking to me altogether.... We never became more than "friends", and I still haven't figured out whether or not this was good or bad in the long run. But it completely ended the friendship.

There used to be this woman at work who had a thing for me. Actually, I think there were several guys in the office she was after. She was 10 years older than me and boy-crazy. Also, crazy in the regular sense of the word as well. I mean, she had severe emotional problems, and hid them from nobody. She proposed marriage to me twice (at least, I only remember two). She also took me out to lunch two or three times, and I went for the free meal. (I'm so "ashamed" <sniff>)

And then there's this girl who started where I work last year. I was chosen to be a "point person" for her, so she could come to me with questions and I could help her get "set up" in the first few months she worked for us. I wasn't in an actual position of authority over her though. We just got matched up since I've been working there a long time. We got along pretty well, and after a few months, she admitted to me that she might have a little crush on me (even though she has a live-in bf). That was a while ago so I think that's died down a bit. Since I'm pretty "well-established" and was able to help her a lot in the beginning, I probably came off as confident and capable in that way that women seem to go for.


Every time I have been stupid about crushes, I like ignore them and come off as really arrogant and stuff . :(

Which is funny because nothing could be farther from the truth....


Well-known member
only one person,kevin he still in love with me till this day.this guy will break up with a girl hes dating just to be with me, but it will never happen im not into him (im not a B*itch theres just no chem) but thats the only one i know of, maybe theres more but i would never know. im too busy being scared of people to even realise whats around me.but right now im crushing on a guy hard but i havent told him my coworkers told him i like him but he hasnt come to talk to me yet so i take this as a sign...o well


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I think when i was around 15, which was the peak of my sa so far, possibly a girl had a crush on me, well she said i was nice and generally tried to make conversation with me (lol). I then with all my wit ignored the hell out of her, even though i liked her too (probably why i couldn't talk to her) and nothing ever happened.....

Also been hit on by my friends drunk ex....i completely froze and ended up making her cry for the rest of new years eve...F*CK!

Evidently i'ma complete asshole!


It happened to me several times, but I never pursued it because the guys in question were not my type. I'm very picky and guys I fancy never seem to like me.

I do have a good friend right now who I suspect has a crush on me but first of all, he's 15 years older than me and he wants different things in life than me.
However, I've occasionally had the idea of starting a relationship because I'm terribly lonely but in the end I don't love him that way, so it would be for all the wrong reasons.

How sad am I. :p


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No..but someone is my crush and god is he gorgeous..tall, handsome, lovely eyes, dark-haired, smells nice, nice voice and most importantly confident! I've heard that women (and gays?) fall for men with broad shoulders? Anyone else heard that? Well, he has that too..sorry if I'm going on here but I haven't been able to stop thinking of this guy for like 1½ years now and that's sort off sucks..yeah.. :oops:
yeah actually. Its happened to me a few times but of cource even when i liked the girl and knew she was after me i could still never just go fo it.
Once was a girl in my class at school and another was my best friends sister both of which made it pretty clear but of course getting nothing in return eventually they just give up.


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It always turns out that a close friend develops a crush on me. (AWKWARD)
But when it becomes official, our friendship just gets strange and we end up not talking to each other ever again. haha

Some things are just better left unsaid.


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coriander1992 said:
There was a boy that used to like me a lot, but he became rather obsessive and irritating...

And then he turned gay. Says a lot for me, doesn't it :lol: :wink:

Some gay guys use a girl as a cover-up cuz people are probably saying they're gay so they gotta change people's minds by chasing after some pretty girl who will talk to them


I met my best mate on here and we both kinda have a crush and more on each other and are hoping to meet up :)

And if my heart wasnt already taken id totaly have crushes on some/most of the girls on here :) I swear you girls with social anxiety are the most stunning looking and nicest sweetest girls in the world.


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Well, i think part of the problem is YOU TELL YOURSELF no one would want you so in reality YOU ARE CREATING YOUR OWN REALITY you become what you think and feel.

Is that what you all really want?