Are you active or lazy?


Well-known member
Yeah, I have the same problem. When you're severely depressed or worried, having motivation to do anything is pretty much out the window.

I've been wanting to start exercising again to lose weight and just generally be more healthy. Pfft, as if I actually feel like doing that. It's easier to lay on the couch all day, unfortunately.


Well-known member
i'm lazy when it comes to homework these last few years, i used to complete homework as soon as i arrived home from uni but these days my attitude seems to be very selfish in that i can do what i want when i want, whenverer i want. its free spirited but not all that handy sometimes.

although i work hard during classes...

i'd say i'm just bitter that i'm not currently in a scenario where i can work hard on something that is my dream job with complete freedom so i dont put in 100 per cent, which to me feels genuine even if its not alsways so practical

same here regarding the sleep thing, i love to sleep in every so often and i can just lay there with my imagination running wild in some sort of alternate reality of calm bliss.