ok first off RE: ANY polls or 'studies" you may see on the internet or whatever media outlet you see or hear them on..DON'T believe everything you read...for instance with a study,some place is given a grant or just do it at random,they ask,lets say 500 people from an area//ok??? well if 300 say one thing (and who's to say they are even being honest) and 299 say something else and one person is undecided ,,well they can say the majority..and if you go by the entire poulation of the world ,it is a VERY VERY tiny group of people they actually asked.
next..from people I have actually known,,men seem to over exagerate #'s because for men it seems cool..and women will under play #'s so to seem more "pure' and innocent..ummm ok..well there may even once in a great while a person that makes NO excuses and may not be sure ,so since "she" has no reason to try and lie or be what she isn't ,she will just take a guess.
see,i am aware when a woman answers the way I did it could cause a person to think ,that is "bad"..when actually if that was one small part of my life that made me the person who is happy as I am today..and I learn from my mistakes,and am perfectly fine without wanting it now,it ok with me,,so I guess I am not for the faint of heart because I actually will say what I want to and have no problem now doing just that.After all,why would i..it was my life,no one elses and my choices,be they bad or good

..and who I became is what is important to me.it took many years to get to this stage,many mistakes along the way..but the fact that i got here is what is important to me now.
and BTW..bluedays..yes I think you do,,it's called a "born again" virgin LOL