Anyone suicidal but religious?


Well-known member
I'm hoping there's someone on here who can relate to me on this.
I'm suicidal. I have been for about a year now. Never attempted but planned it. I am a Christian though (sort of lol) and committing suicide is a sin. I've tried to find out if you can go to hell for it. I still don't know. That's the ONLY reason I'm alive. I don't understand a God who would send someone to hell who is that broken with no future.

I really could care less about living. I don't see a future for me and don't care to live to find out. I feel trapped though. I can't die but i don't want to live :(

I want to cry so bad but there's people here so I'm typing this with a smile on my face.


Super Moderator
I am not religious, I have suicidal thoughts, I've had attempts. The reason I don't do anything of that it's because it's not going to solve my problems and it will only cause a great deal of pain to those who love me.

I will tell you about my own beliefs. I believe there's a God, but if he's as good as he's portrayed, he shouldn't send you to eternal torment because you were in pain. He would be understanding of it. However, I am not saying that you should just go and throw your life away. Think of the people around you who would be pained if you were gone. You won't feel any relief if you're dead. I'm pretty sure you want to feel better, right? Well, being alive is the only way to experience that. Death won't solve anything.

I highly recommend you to get help a soon as possible.


Well-known member
Suicide is a sin of ultimate despair and, according to Catholicism, is a damnable offense. You cannot even be buried in a Catholic cemetery as a suicide victim. I'm not sure if this is true in the Church nowadays because I haven't been Catholic since 2002, but that is what I was taught as a child and young adult.


Well-known member
I should also add that suicide is a mortal sin (murder) for which you give yourself absolutely no chance to repent (because you are dead). When it comes down to it, though, really you are the only one who can tell yourself whether or not it is punishable by hellfire. Religion is all quite arbitrary and subjective, really.


Well-known member
I'm hoping there's someone on here who can relate to me on this.
I'm suicidal. I have been for about a year now. Never attempted but planned it. I am a Christian though (sort of lol) and committing suicide is a sin. I've tried to find out if you can go to hell for it. I still don't know. That's the ONLY reason I'm alive. I don't understand a God who would send someone to hell who is that broken with no future.

I really could care less about living. I don't see a future for me and don't care to live to find out. I feel trapped though. I can't die but i don't want to live :(

I want to cry so bad but there's people here so I'm typing this with a smile on my face.

Hey whats up? I hope you are okay. I dont think you should do it, itll destroy your family and tear them apart. Just try to be positive. Im Agnostic so I dont believe in hell and the things they say are sin. But I do believe in not taking someone life, especially your own. And How are you going to find out about it? think about it man. I beleive in the Davinci Code and the belief in the Secrets of the Last Supper. I really do believe in God and I believe he wants you to want to believe in him to work through it and trust in God.


Hi I am a muslim
I also suffer from depression. In my religion suicide is haraam(prohibited)
so I am not even thinking of doing it. If we suicide we will thrown into hell.

“Though we know death is certain, we have not prepared ourselves for it.

Though we know paradise is definite, we have not worked for it.

Though we know the hell fire is certain, we have not feared it.

So why are you delighted?

What are you waiting for?

Death is the first visitor from the Almighty bringing good or evil tidings… so get closer to your Lord!”


Well-known member
don't rely on asking if there is a hell or not. ppl will give you different answers. how do you know who's right? you don't. anyway i think you should try volunteer work out and see where it takes you. sorry you feel bad :(


Well-known member
I was raised Catholic but I always had trouble believing in something when I couldn't believe in myself. Then I tried going to youth groups with friends who were Christians-which honestly felt like a cult. It seemed like they were speaking in tongues & had all these "rules." It was clear their idea of God was demanding. The whole idea that God punishes sin and imperfection and has made a terrible hell for those who don’t measure up- I can't agree with that. Since that, it's made me weary of churches/YG because God in my eyes is about love. He forgives us for our weakness & forgivess us for our sins-He loves us so much that he sent Jesus to die for us.

So for me personally, I believe there is a God but he's not demanding though I am not religious. More spiritual if anything. I love the buddhist philosophy & try to live by that if that makes any sense.

So what I am trying to say, everyone has different views and no body knows for sure. I do know that you should not end your life because you're scared of going to hell but rather you have people that love you & will forever be haunted by your choice. I urge you to seek help- call a hot line or tell your parents or someone you trust. Life does get better, maybe you can't see it right now but I promise this will pass. And if you do believe in God, I think there is a saying " God doesn't give anything we can't handle" something like that.

I hope you're safe.


Here's a big hug from me and sorry to hear about the way you're feeling. I've been where you are right now and suicide is not the answer. I don't know your circumstances as to why you feel so down, but suicide is not the answer. Whatever it is that is making you feel depressed, that is what you need to overcome. Throwing your life away simply because you feel hard done by is a waste. At the end of the day, the perfect life is not going to come to you on a plate, as life is what you make it. It's not easy, and it takes courage, but just think what you might be throwing away if things did change for the better. Not to mention the lives you might destroy if you take your own life. I'm sure there must be people who care about you.

The way I see it, there's millions of people in this world who are suffering worse than you or me and if they can overcome their destitute & miserable life, then so can you. Don't waste your time on organised religion, as its all a load of nonsense as far as I'm concerned. The only person that can save you is yourself. You are as good as anyone in this world and where you end up is up to you. Life is not easy, but don't throw yours away, as you are so much better than that. Just believe in yourself, dig deep and you'll find the courage to overcome any problems that life throws at you. Good luck! :)