Anyone have a song stuck in their head?

I have that damn Lady Gaga song stuck in my head Bad Romance for the past few days..ughh. And I do actually like the song but don't want it replaying in my head all day lol.

Anyone have a song stuck in their head? do you ignore it or do you let it bug you?


theres loads of stuff suck in my head!!! i wish it would **** off!! ive defeated that feeling loads of times, by closing my eyes and not thinking at all, i hope it works soon, cause the neighbours are not to keen on rage against the machine


Well-known member
yea I always have random songs stuck in my head! Every morning I wake up with a new one! I find it quite exciting sometimes finding out what song my head will have in store for me each morning!

right now, for some strange reason, I have the theme song for Dale's Supermarket Sweep going round my head!!! Maybe cause the book I was just reading was talking about groceries!?!

YouTube - Dale's Supermarket Sweep Closing Credits 1998


Well-known member
Bad habits by dresden dolls.and its just the same 3 lines too!.I like it but im starting to get annoyed.
And so is drumming song."theres a drumming noise inside my head"lol:D
yea I always have random songs stuck in my head! Every morning I wake up with a new one! I find it quite exciting sometimes finding out what song my head will have in store for me each morning!

right now, for some strange reason, I have the theme song for Dale's Supermarket Sweep going round my head!!! Maybe cause the book I was just reading was talking about groceries!?!

YouTube - Dale's Supermarket Sweep Closing Credits 1998

Boy thats an annoying one to have in your head lol