Anyone have a fear of teachers back then as a child?


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Anyone have a fear of teachers back then as a child I know I did. I just don't know what it was. I'm shy in general but I guess I fear teachers and managers the most.


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I guess i was shy, but i think thats cos they were adults.
I was pretty much a teachers pet though tbh haha :D


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probably because they had to power to mess with your grades and could make you stay after school and such.. oh and call your parents without permission


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I was just afraid that they might call on me even though I always knew the answer and never raised my hand.

Worse, I was always afraid I wouldn't know the answer. :eek:


I was a teacher's pet in elementary and middle, teachers loved me. In highschool I was always either sleeping or clowning around so I wasn't liked as much, though they were always shocked at my SAT and FCAT scores (always top 99% percentile, weeee)


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Yes! I think it was more anxious than fear. Maybe I was intimidated by them? Scared of getting in trouble? who knows...I"m not anymore.
I wasn't until I got to college.

In first grade I threw a chair at my teacher for putting my name on board.( it meant you were bad)
In High school I got a lot of referrals....

but now I am scared to approach my professors.:confused:


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Teachers never bothered me until I got to college. I can't ask for help because I think they will believe I'm dumb, even though it is their job to help students.


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I think that's more of a fear of authority figures moreso than fear of teachers. I was afraid of certain teachers at school, the strict/authorative ones, though. Not your usual or bubbly teacher. However, I got extremely shy approaching many teachers about work.

However, I have a fear of other authority figures. I dread the thought of ever going to court for any reason, judges etc. freak me out. I also feel very weary around Police Officers, which made being jumped and detained by them a couple of weeks ago really scary, even if it was for my own good.