Anyone Experiment with Lucid Dreaming?


Well-known member
I think that Lucid Dreaming would be a great way of desensitizing yourself from your fears. I used to practice Lucid Dreaming, but gave it up awhile ago, because it's a lot of work to be able to induce lucid dreams. Imagine how powerful it would be to put yourself in fearful situation and making yourself relaxed.


Well-known member
That would be really cool. I tried to experiment with lucid dreaming, I 'praciticed' and did everything I could. In the end, I had a lucid dream!... It lasted 2 seconds and it basically involved me thinking 'woah, I want a mouse to appear" and I made a mouse. It must be difficult to stay asleep with such excitement

I wonder if it's even possible to be that specific and talented at lucid dreaming to dream up a fearful situation, and face the fear? It can be done I'm sure, although it would take a lot of practice.
^ Lol at the mouse! I did a dream workshop thingy years ago (everything seems years ago now) and experienced some lucid dreaming, curiously in one dream I couldn't do what I wanted despite it being very lucid. Lucid dreaming reminds me of those 3D pictures that are hard to see but fantastic when you finally get it


Well-known member
It's very difficult to stay asleep while afraid; your body will automatically try to wake itself up.

That said, I know I've had lucid dreams though I have no idea how long they actually lasted, but I've never tried to purposefully induce one.

Most of the time I just suddenly think, "Oh **** I'm dreaming.", then, "Oh **** I can dream myself into a mansion, with ten thousand hot babes, ON MARS."

Then I wake up. :(


Well-known member
Most of the time I just suddenly think, "Oh **** I'm dreaming.", then, "Oh **** I can dream myself into a mansion, with ten thousand hot babes, ON MARS."

Then I wake up. :(

Haha^ :D

Does anyone have any links of methods on how to experience a Lucid Dream?
I would be very interested with experimenting with them myself.


Well-known member
I have never done it (on purpose) but often when I´m dreaming, I become aware that I´m in a dream and I start deciding what I want to happen, as entertainment.. I always choose something romantic involving some guy I like


Well-known member
The last few times I realized I was dreaming and tried to control things, the dream world started heavily shaking and collapsing and I felt this numbness, literally like Inception. (and this was before that). Then I wake up. However never really tried consistently to do this.


Well-known member
I used to experience them a lot when I was younger. Now, however, I hardly ever even remember my dreams anymore. I also suffered from sleep paralysis and out of body experiences which seems to be connected to the phenomenon.


Well-known member
I use to have these a lot when I was younger, and I didn't know about it until I was a wee bit older. At any rate, yes, this is very helpful if you have strong mind over body. I really should get back into this state as well, and even if you recall having a dream when you wake up. Write it down, this will help that state, and train your mind to remember.

Always thought some critical things you've missed during the day can show up in a dream, but also a lot of crap. This is a good way to filter it out, and a fun thing to do even if ya don't use it for practical uses!


Well-known member
I try to do the opposite. I want a normal dream, my doctor recommended to pretend I am flying when I start having a lucid dream. Hasn't worked yet. : (


Well-known member
I have them from time to time but I am skeptical of the idea that people can practice so that they can have a lucid dream whenever they want.


Active member
It must be difficult to stay asleep with such excitement

Yes. Very. I just had a series of lucid dreams last night! :D haha You can induce a lucid dream, though it can be time consuming, tiring, and varying in effectiveness.

My Tips on Lucid Dreaming
-Think about it while in bed. By doing this, the thought of lucid dreaming will merge over into sleep and you can become aware of your dream state. Just by thinking about it, you help will it.
-While dreaming, close your mouth and plug your nose while breathing in. If you are dreaming, air will mysteriously fill your lungs. This will be a dream sign to you. It will raise your consciousness to the fact that you are dreaming. Bam. Lucid! (just stay calm)
-Most lucid dreaming comes in the last hours of sleep. Go to bed on time to ensure a full nights sleep.
-If you wake up in the morning, DON'T MOVE! This will sustain muscle paralysis and make falling back into deep sleep much easier. By doing this, your conscious mind will stay more awake once you enter back into the dream world. This means it will be easier to become lucid.
-Another reason to not move once you wake up is "dream recall." When you get up and move around, your temporary memory will fade away. By staying still and thinking about what you had just dreamed about, your dreams will come to the forefront of your mind.
-If a dream starts to fade, rub your hands together. It will bring color and vividness to your dream.
-When in a dream, if you wish to summon something, just say, "around this corner there will be ----" Go around the corner. If your mind over matter was strong enough, it will be there. Controlling dreams can be very difficult otherwise. Taking full power and control is VERY difficult.
-If you want to change location, look at your feet and spin in a circle. This usually works, but not always.

I am unsure of the social usefulness of lucid dreaming. All my lucid dreams are always sexual in nature. I really should explore more.
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Well-known member
OMG! for all your dreaming needs! They have everything there. :)

I used to have quite a few lucid dreams when I was younger. It was great. I'd never thought about putting myself in a scary situation while in one. Very rarely do I have them now...And when I do, they're typically quite short. Seems like the older you get the less lucid dreams people have.


Well-known member
The mind supposedly learns when you are lucid dreaming. Therefore theoretically, you can use lucid dreaming to dream about the situations that cause you anxiety. The great thing though is that you can control how you feel. You can make yourself feel relaxed in the situation you are fearful of and your mind should desensitize you. It's the ultimate virtual reality and far superior to just using your imagination.

Check out this free PDF to learn about Lucid Dreaming. It is possible to have lucid dreams at will, but it requires practice. The World Of Lucid Dreaming.pdf


Well-known member
I've been always interested about lucid dreams, and I have even talked about it with some people!

I have had lucid dreams since I can remember, but it's not something constant. I do have them from time to time, but I keep remembering these dreams for a long time. I don't normally control everything in the dream like (I want a big house here and then I want to fly) but I do control the development of the dreams and what happens on it.

whatisis, you have given great advices! It's true that when you wake up in the morning it's really easy to sleep again and have lucid dreams. I have experienced this many times! In fact I think that most of my lucid dreams came this way. I do usually wake up many times when I'm sleeping, so I guess that helps me to achieve lucid dreams.

For me, I know that I'm in a dream because I can't shoot weapons or punch people when dreaming. It's curious, maybe it's some kind of childhood's trauma, but I just can't press the trigger (it's too hard) nor punch any person (I can't see if I want to).

I also have seen that if you try to put the lights on or off (the interruptors) when you are dreaming, nothing will change, and also that you can't see the time in a clock, because it's blurred or illegible.

Lucid dreams are great. I have had many different lucid dreams and I keep remembering them. It's not the normal thing, but from time to time I always have. For the people that haven't experienced them, just follow the advices! It's a great experience :)


Active member
Lucid dreaming is really awesome once you realize what is happening & gain some control. In the beginning I would always try to wake up, which would lead to sleep paralysis. Or, I would try to control what was happening and not be able to, which would lead to me freaking out, and then to sleep paralysis. Like one time, I tried to make one of my friend's appear (he had died in a car accident) and instead, I was looking at myself in a mirror and my face started changing. There is nothing scarier than looking at yourself & turning into some sort of monster!!

Anyway, since then I have been able to think "I hate this, so I'm going to put it in a pile and burn it" and it's worked a couple times. I've read about it and you have to think about it before bed, and write down your dreams right as soon as you wake up. You can train yourself, but I think that some people are just prone to it, and it is harder for others.

For me, it always happens soon after I fall asleep or right before I wake.


Well-known member
i have a friend that can do it consistently, he uses dream signs (usually looking at his hands and thinking "am i dreaming?" sometimes others...). he experiments with them like it's a video game, employing different methods of killing people in awesome ways (he'll create armies+landscapes and destroy them with his powers). he also experiments with combining different superpowers. i've only done it a couple times, i'm not as good or consistent with the dream signs, but i like to manipulate my environment-for example i, i flew out into space and influenced the motions of the planets and created contained explosions, then i transformed them into liquid metal and manipulated them into different cool was interesting