so today my therapist subscribed me some pills for my social anxiety. I was wondering if there is anyone else who is taking pills and if they actually do help?
what kind of pills did he/she prescribe you?i have taken the following for anxiety
paxil-it helped my anxiety but it made me into a zombie that didnt care about anything..slept the days away..not a good fit
effexor-didnt do much at al but make me sort of manic..
phenibut-helps anxiety and provides a little booost of motivation..fogs my thoughts up though..
benzos-these are the best at treating anxiety but bring forth their own problems..i find that slow my thinking down even more than usual..tolerance builds fast and i tend to get tired on them..
amisulpride-did nothing but make me tired..
so in my experience, these pills might relieve anxiety but simply create other problems..always a 'give and take' situation.
A doctor once prescribed me Alprazolam 0,5 mg when I had a bowel problem (the muscles hurt and felt stuck if I slept sideways to the left, I wouldn't be able to move after waking up).
Now I take half of it (0,25 mg) before going out to a situation where I think I might get anxious. It's not perfect but if I take 0,5 I'll fall asleep.
I recently started taking a low dose of Prozac for Seasonal Affective Disorder, and I have noticed my general anxiety has lowered. I resisted taking medication for almost ten years, but now that I'm back on it I'm glad I decided to give it another try.
Ive tried Zoloft.. and it work really well, but after 5 years i built up a tolerance.
Effexor- made me horribly nauseous
Paxil worked really well too but my insurance wont cover it
Im taking Oxtellar now, its actually an anti-convulsion med, but it works great!
I also take xanax (alprazolam) when i need to give presentations and such.
I think its different for everyone. The meds could just be a way for you to get back into the swing of things and once you're better you could wean off of them
I definitely suggest you go to therapy too. So what way you can develop coping strategies and/or understand the root of your anxiety.
I take Celexa and Ativan, both have helped with anxiety and sleeping. One of my main problems before taking medication was never being able to fall asleep at night. I would be up all hours of the night, and it was really driving me crazy. Now I sleep too much. But just saying, Celexa really worked wonders for improving my overall mood and taking the edge off anxiety.