Anyone else an obsessive worrier?


Well-known member
Worrying is probably the only thing I'm good at. Even from a very early age I tended to worry about everything. It's really taken a toll on my life. Now that most of my anxiety is under control (with meds) I realise just how much of an effect being so nervous has on one. I guess I worry a lot when I'm around other people. So does anyone find themselves worrying and obsessing about stuff? (usually negative stuff)


Well-known member
*Sticks hand up* I do! ::p:

I also read into things too much and sometimes come up with my own conclusions lol. But yeah, worrying, argh. ::(: I feel like i'm gonna send myself into another deep depressive episode with all this worrying i do.

Well-known member
Ah, I worry about every little thing, and always make a mountain out of a molehill. I ended up getting grey hairs from stressing myself out over the smallest thing. I think I might have just inherited it though - there's loads of people in my family who are quite melodramatic and worry a lot.


Well-known member
I worry about serious things that could happen, but isn't likely. Like my dogs getting hit by a car, me falling down the stairs, me dropping my son, etc. I hate it...I try not to think about it.


Well-known member
Well, I feel better knowing that I'm not alone. Just wish it was something less destructive that we share in common.


Well-known member
I worry about everything. I take it after my mother because she worries about the smallest of things.


Well-known member
I worry all the time over nothing and it's been getting really bad lately and can't get it out of my head.
yes! It is the only thing i do really well too!:rolleyes: I heard a girl say something a few years ago which sums it up beautifully...."Even when i don't have anything to worry about, i worry about not having anything to worry about"!::p:


Well-known member
All the time! 100% worried about school, finding a job, getting a house (eventually), my health, my dog, finding a partner hopefully before I die of old age, or a heart attack because I worry so much.... Too much.... :eek:
im worried the government stop my payments and send my lazy arse back to work.

If i worked for the government i would defo send you to work.


Active member
I have always been a worrier as a kid I was always obsessing over something. I think this anxiety interfered with my social development. In middle school I would isolate because I was always so preocupied with something it was either my health or my parents health. When I got older I got on medication, this helped with my obsessiveness but I realized I was ill equipped socially. Today I worry about being alone for the rest of my life.
I'm already sitting here worrying about an interview I'm giving tomorrow, and it's over msn. :rolleyes: I worry about EVERYTHING.
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Well-known member
half the time I don't even know what im worried about, but I am, constantly. never living in the moment, always distracted by a possible what if. INSTEAD of thinking what is. hours a day are devoted to worrying. i make sure i schedule time in to worry or i won't get things done~


Well-known member
Yea, I worry a lot about worse-case scenarios that most likely wouldn't happen (the what if's) or about the next social situation I have to endure. I often lose sleep over it too.


I worry so much that my grandma often thinks I'm high on something due to my shaking and overall nervousness.
Oh yeah.. I'm someone who worries ALL TIME ::p:
Someone once told me ''If you werent smart you wouldnt worry, cuz people who arent smart wouldnt think too much''
But i prefer to be smart :rolleyes: Even though with SA.