Anyone currently using Iontohporisis


Well-known member
I use the drionic machine it costs around $99 and is a great machine to start with. As with any Ionto machine it takes time to build up to a point where you no longer sweat. For most ppl this is 21-30 days of daily use for an hour! Then you can do an one hour session once every 1-2 weeks. Otherwise, expecting your sweating to return as soon as 2 months but no as long as 6 months.


Well-known member
I have noticed many people using ionto machines whether homemade ones or professional ones and many people are curious about the treatment regiment. Example, how long should I do it for? What about Maintenance?

I have found the Drionic Manual to be particularly helpful at answering these questions and even if you are not using the Drionic machine the answers still hold true.

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Active member
Hi everyone. Having severe palm and feet hyperhidrosis and being using Drionic for about 10 years now, I just wanted to share my observations on Iontophoresis. Before reading on keep in mind that everyone will have different results with Iontophoresis and these are just mine experiences. Anyway when I first started using Drionic I would do 30 min treatments on the max setting for a total of 7-8 hours (Change polarity after 3 hours) by which time I would achieve dryness. In my experience I would not see a gradual dryness but a sudden dryness around 7 hours of total treatment. As the years have passed I became more experimental with the treatment times. I tried 45min, 60min, 90min and even 120min treatments, which your ass gets numb :D I now use 60 min treatments. I can tell that the variation between the length of the treatments is logarithmic, meaning that longer the each treatment time, more total treatment time you need to achieve the same results. You also want to keep in mind that the trade of here is how quick you want to achieve dryness. For example you would need 14 consecutive days using 30 min treatments or you would need about 8-9 days using the 90-120 min treatments. Keep in mind that everyone needs a different treatment schedule so be experimental. For the maintenance, I have two 30 min sessions per week. As for the water, the harder the water the better, so baking soda or/and salt is a good idea. I even tried Odoban (5 drops per tray) for couple of months but did not see any significant results. I also have some suggestions for the pain: first of all use vaseline on cracks and cuts but don't use it on other parts that may hurt like your whole finger because it will block the flow of current therefore you will sweat there. Second, whenever I feel pain during treatment I try to think of embarrassing moments I had with my sweaty hands and I think the pain is a better trade off than shaking somebody's hand and giving me "that" look.
And a quick note: I think Drionic is the worst Iontophoresis device out there but I use Iontophoresis+Avert+Odoban so they complete each other out. I've just ordered the Idromed 5 PS because I want to cut back on Avert. Please if you haven't bought a device invest in a good one. If you have any other questions you can pm me. Good Luck.


Well-known member
I'm surprised you put up with the Moronic-sorry, Drionic batuska for so long. Hopefully you should get much better results with the Idromed 5. I myself use the Idromed 4 and its great, my hands are so dry now.
I did one treatment a day for about two weeks-each treatment was for about 10-15 minutes on 10-12mA. Then I cut back to two treatments a week for half an hour, now I'm doing one half hour treatment a week on 8mA. I think the type of water you use is very important, I live in a hard water area which helps.


Well-known member
And a quick note: I think Drionic is the worst Iontophoresis device out there but I use Iontophoresis+Avert+Odoban so they complete each other out.

hey, batuska, thanks for your great iontophoresis experience
could you tell me how you use odaban?
I have tried to add a few drops of odaban into the water, but it seemed to have no effect on my iontophoresis therapy.

as for the water, how do you think of the temperatue? warm or cold, which one is better?



Active member
For the temperature I use luke warm water, and surely not cold water which doesn't help at all. I said I put some Odoban in the iontohporisis water like 5 drops or so, which I use a bottle first to shake up so the Odoban gets fully mixed with the water. But I never seemed to have any significant results with the Odoban on my hands, but it stops my axillary sweating completely. And for putting up with the stupid Drionic machine I agree with you HH, but Avert works great on my palms and feet so I gave it some slack I guess.::eek::


Well-known member
batuska, which part of drionic do you think has more effectiveness?
I have heard that the upper section would be more effective than the lower one. and some people said that lower water level would be good for iontophoresis therapy and they got good results when they reduced the water level. I did this in my own iontophoresis treatment, but I havn't see any improvement yet.
another question: do you clean the pad of drionic frequently?


Well-known member
The hotter the water the better. You can add baking soda for increased effectiveness. I also add 1mg of glyco in each tray.

Soy Sauce

Well-known member
Batsuka, have you found that the effectiveness of the iontophoresis treatments have reduced after using it for so long? I have this fear that if I use it too often, the effectiveness will be reduced and/or require longer/more frequent treatments to get the same results. I use a Drionic but would like to upgrade to an Idromed when I have the spare dough.

Soy Sauce

Well-known member
What about maintenence of the Drionic units? It seems to be taking abit longer this current cycle of treatments to get my hands dry. I barely feel the tingling or prickling sensation anymore when using the Drionic, even after I've started adding baking soda to the water. The plates are becoming abit corroded, could this be why? What about the felt pads? Do you find that it's important to replace those?


Active member
Yes it probably the aluminum plates. I used to use a fine sand paper on them to remove the build up, like every other month or so. It's much cheaper to clean them this way than replace them. And you can use other fabric to replace pads if they are worn out.


Well-known member
Hey, I have been silently following this forum for a while now. My past experience with iontophoresis has shown no success, I have tried changing every variable etc, looking at all the little hints and tips. Infact I even bumped up the voltage to 42 volts at one time, I was that desperate. Anywyas, after a long time without any gains (20+ sessions) I gave up. I recently restarted, I live in Vancouver, Canada, the cleanest, softest water in the world. I believe this is the main culprit of all my woes, so my questions are:
where do I find a source for solvent (water) (other liquid?)
what do i add to the water (I add baking soda till it does not mix, that does not work for me....)
finally, how do i arrange my multimeter to read the current passing through my hands.
having any of these questions answered will be wonderful!
Thank You!

Soy Sauce

Well-known member
As I mentioned earlier, the current treatment cycle I'm on has been taking longer to show results then in the past, and i have been barely feeling the tingling sensation suring the sessions. After removing the buildup on the plates, I immediately began to feel the tingling sensation. I didn't have any sand paper so I just used one of those sponges with the green coarse side on it and made a bunch of shallow cuts in the plate with a knife.


Well-known member
skillz, you can call your local water dep. and they can try and tell you where you might find some well water. I tried doing this but the dude really gave me the go around and I basicly said screw it. I didn't start seeing any results until like 40-50 treatmens, so who knows.


My water level is 0.5cm for hands and 1 cm for feet.
hands 11mA, Feets 15mA

Some of my finger nail hurts when it touches the water so i'll tend to lift it up.

Why does it hurts?(Feels like the finger nail is coming out. The inside of the finger nail)


Well-known member
My water level is 0.5cm for hands and 1 cm for feet.
hands 11mA, Feets 15mA

Some of my finger nail hurts when it touches the water so i'll tend to lift it up.

Why does it hurts?(Feels like the finger nail is coming out. The inside of the finger nail)

The Drionic Manual does a good job answering questions like this about Ionto in general. Search the forum for the Drionic Manual / Instruction guide.


Active member
Hi everyone I just wanted to keep you updated. I received my Idromed 5 PS about 15 days ago and since then I did daily treatments of 1 hr at 15mA for my hands and 30min treatments at 20-25mA for my feet daily. Keeping in mind that Idromed 5 is my upgrade from Drionic the difference is huge, and I finally stoped using avert daily. I can say that my hands are 95% and my feet are 70% dry. I find the feet a little extra harder to treat because there are a great number of areas that are above the water line, and I haven't tried treating my feet before with the Drionic- but I know I can do better than 70% dryness. Anyway I hope people give this method a fair try before they consider surgery, which may make things worse than before. Anyway best wishes.


Well-known member
Hi everyone I just wanted to keep you updated. I received my Idromed 5 PS about 15 days ago and since then I did daily treatments of 1 hr at 15mA for my hands and 30min treatments at 20-25mA for my feet daily. Keeping in mind that Idromed 5 is my upgrade from Drionic the difference is huge, and I finally stoped using avert daily. I can say that my hands are 95% and my feet are 70% dry. I find the feet a little extra harder to treat because there are a great number of areas that are above the water line, and I haven't tried treating my feet before with the Drionic- but I know I can do better than 70% dryness. Anyway I hope people give this method a fair try before they consider surgery, which may make things worse than before. Anyway best wishes.

hey batuska, great news, I am glad to hear that you have achieved dryness with your idromed PS, could you give us more details about your treatment? what's the temperature of the water?
how do you change the polarity? change it in each session?
how high is the water level?
do you add baking soda or table salt in the water?
do you have the stainless steel plates or aluminum ones?

thank you!