Anyone currently using Iontohporisis


What I meant by reverse polarization was that using my home made device. I reversed the polarity by disconnecting the wires from my tubs and switched them to the other tub. I did twenty minutes one way and then switched for 10 more once a day.


Well-known member
I'm on day 8 right now, been doing treatment twice a day and I think im getting a lil bit of dryness on sections of my palm, but the fingers are still sweaty, not as bad as before tho. I realized that submerging my hands into the water doesn't work as well as having them just touching the surface of the water.


Well-known member
I'm getting really dried skin between my fingers, do you guys just use lotion?

one more thing, when can i stop doing it everyday and just start with the maintenance plan?


I use lotion
You can stop everyday when you feel comfortable in how much you are sweating.
Also try backing off to once a day first instead of two and see how that works out.


Well-known member
this is day 11 and I'm quite satisfied with the results, even though I'm not 100% dry yet, I'm more or less 90%. I'm really happy I don't soak my test papers anymore and i can actually concentrate more on my work. I can't believe that after 15 years, I can finally open up to more social situations, iontophersis works!


Active member
Hi all, first official post here. So happy I found this forum, it seems like the best online for HH. I've had moderate to severe palmar and planter HH since young childhood, I cannot remember a time without it. I also have it more mildly in axillary in groin areas.

Just started iontoporisis for the very first time 2 days ago. I made the DIY machine, using pie pans for my hands and roaster pans for my feet. I started with 18v but bumped it up to 24v the next day. So far I think I'm just sweating more. I know it's too soon to see results but I was hoping I magically would. The 24v seemed to give my hands and feet a bit more of a sunburned feeling than the 18v. Whatever, don't care, this must work.

If it doesn't I'm ordering Avert in pill form. For those who had it shipped to the US, did everything work out ok?

A few years back I took Robiunul Forte 2mg x2 each day but hated the dry mouth side affects. Also when I worked out I'd just turn really red and not sweat. But I'm willing to give it another shot. Don't have insurance now so ordering from Canada seems like a better option than paying to see a doc who knows less about HH than I do.

Here's to hoping I have my first summer where I don't go through 15 pairs of shoes.


Active member
Oh hey I didn't know that would imbed. I just pasted the link.

Anyway I did my 3rd treatment last night, and it was the first one that was actually quite unpleasant. I found myself moaning and groaning from the itching and burning during the treatments. I somehow managed 15 min on each polarity for my hands but could only bear 10 min on each polarity for my feet.

Mainly the tops of my fingers, the areas around my nails, and in between in my toes drove me crazy. I put some aloe lotion on afterwards, everything looked sunburned. This morning it mostly seems to have gone away but I think I'll try to use vaseline on certain areas for tonight's treatment.

I just kept telling myself the short period of discomfort is worth it if it works.


Well-known member
Do you think that these home made versions are just as effective as an idromed? I didn't know how simple of a design it is, how did this guy figure out how to do this? It must be just as safe. Crazy stuff


Well-known member
Ive never tried idromed so i wouldn't know, but this homemade device seems to be working really well for me. It has nearly been two weeks and I'm 98% dry, I'm really satisfied with the results.


Active member
Just completed my 4th treatment w/ the homemade machine at 24v over 4 consecutive days. No results to report yet, my hands and feet were as sweaty as ever today. Fingers crossed.


Well-known member
Keep at it, I'm on treatment probably 45-50 and haven't gotten there. Went to the gym 4-5 days ago and my hands were 90% dry while i worked out which is rare, but now they are as bad as ever. So fing frustrating. Do you guys think that bakimg soda actually helps?


Well-known member
I just pour baking soda into each pan, i guess it helps cuz i have those tingling feelings between my fingers the entire treatment.

What do you mean "they are as bad as ever"? Have you stopped treatment?


Active member
Baking soda seems to increase the burns and itching on my hands and feet, but I do feel the current more.

Also just caved and ordered Avert, assuming I'll know if this has worked by the time the pills arrive.


Well-known member
keep doing it man, when i first started, I did 2 treatments everyday and i didnt get results until the 6th to 7th day.

Remember to add baking soda, i just poured a bunch in. Also, make sure your palms are just touching the surface of the water, don't submerge them.


Active member
yeah, im just getting discouraged. i do use baking soda but one day i put too much in and it burned like hell so now i keep it to a pinch or two in each pan. just completed the 6th treatment and im already sweating. beginning to think drugs are the only option for me.


anxiety: Just stick with it for a while. Make sure that you are using enough baking soda to get a tingle when you place your hands in. Also like g35 said don't submerge your hand. Let the palms absorb the water not the back of your hands. Everyone differs in the length of time it takes.