Anyone currently using Iontohporisis


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Is anyone using an Iontophorisis machine right now? How is it working for you?

So I had a few questions... I just can't seem to push it over the top. I have been doing treatments for around a month now and I just can't get it 100%.

Do you think that the water you use is hard? I went to Petsmart and bought these little strips that can tell how hard the water is. I live in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest is known for having really soft water. But water aside I know the machine is working but just not to it's full potential. It takes more for me to start sweating now and when I do sweat I can see individual specks of sweat and some parts of my hands are dry, but then the sweat will win and break through.

If anyone has anything to add or just to give updates or what ever then post something. Maybe a new topic about ionto will start getting some hope back into this forum.



I ave been perscribed deoderant with high aluminum content, (I use a drionic for axillary sweating), in water that I have added some of the deoderant to and I think that helps. TO be honest though the Drionic helps, but it doesn't eliminate my sweating 100%, as a struggling student though I suppose I just have to take what I can get though.

Hope that helps!


Well-known member
Hi DaaaBulls.

Sorry that there has been little reply from your post.
I think its a great idea that maybe staring a own topic/poll only for ionto quiestions.

I have good results by my inonto (idrostar) 90-95 % dry in hands/feet .Ihave some very few setbacks.I dont think I ever get 100% dry,then I have to take ionto more often.So I use dehydral-cream for my fingertips that still sweats,and it works for me.Take 2-3 times a week before bedtime.

Another thing.I have heard that hard water gives better results then soft.

But I have wrote this so many times now,I just think that you have to read a little by yourself in here,you will find it.

If you dont,or you are wondering of something else,just ask.And i will try to explain my version of iontotreatments the best I can.But do a little reading by yourself first.Pinkers poll it says much about ionto.He also use Idrostar btw.


You really need to get the water in line. Its not only the electricity but how the water interacts with minerals in the water. Just a thought but since you are seeing results try and tweak this by adding to the water and see if it finishes off the job. Harder water might be all you need.

One way to check to see if your water is hard enough see if there is a tiny shock when you place your hands in the water. I'm using 18v and had a tiny shock only after using a small amount of baking soda. But at first I didn't feel anything (before using baking soda) and was getting results similar to yours.
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Well-known member
Thanks guys for posting some good stuff. So does adding the baking soda make the water harder or does it just make it easier for the current to pass through? And you say that you were seeing similar results and adding the baking soda definatly pushed it over the top? It's crazy because I am getting my machine up to 25 MA, I use the Idromed PC so it doesn't hurt as much but it's still really high.


I was following a guide I purchased which is similar to the youtube video floating around here. It was a homemade machine that had a combined 18v. I did have to used baking soda though according to the guide.


Well-known member
Thanks guys for posting some good stuff. So does adding the baking soda make the water harder or does it just make it easier for the current to pass through? And you say that you were seeing similar results and adding the baking soda definatly pushed it over the top? It's crazy because I am getting my machine up to 25 MA, I use the Idromed PC so it doesn't hurt as much but it's still really high.

That also was a thing I did.Commone sence maked me belive that higher mA, the better result.I was using over 20 Ma I think,when first started iontoteratments..Didnt got the result I was looking for.Dont really remember ,but think I got about 50-maybe 60% reducing of me sweating.

I got a tip back then to slow down the mA,I was thinking,why??.Make no sence!.But I did it.So I tried out 10-13 mA it adjust it self up til that by its self?Anyway this worked much better for ME,dont know if it do that for you.But you can give it a try.

Another thing,overdoing treatments can also be wrong.Dont need to take treatmensts every day,maybe everey second day,or third day.You just have to experience a bit.And maybe it is something into the water thing I think so,because many have postet that.

So try to find out that you are using hard water, or how U can get it harder.Baking soda is a alternativ.I dont need to,just use tap water,only lucky whit the water i think.Dont have a clue about the ph,hard soft etc.But as loong its working I dont care.


Well-known member
I'm currently using the homemade version of it and I was wondering if it's fine to do it twice a day? Or should I only do it once?


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I've been doing it twice a day every once in awhile, it won't hurt you at all it's just whether or not your hands can stand it.

I'm going to go to a river tomorrow and get some hard water. My hands are so close but I just need something to push them over. I don't know if the baking soda works or not, I feel more of a current and it hurts more so I am guessing it may be working. Hopefully after about 5 weeks of doing treatments I can get them dry.


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I dunno if my water is hard enough but according to the other thread, if the water gives you a shock in the beginning that means the water is hard? The reason why i ask is cuz after like half a minute of tingling shocks, I feel nothing on my palms except the back of the hands where its like half submerged into the water, should i be feeling shocks and tingling effects during the entire treatment?


Well-known member
We are in the same boat. Try using baking soda, I know what you mean when you feel it in the beggining but then it just barely tingles. When I use baking soda it feels like little needles constantly going into my palm so I'm guessing it is working better. I'm going to get some river water (I live in oregon so pretty easy) and that should be harder. The hard water your looking for is water that has soaked through the soil and picked up all those minerals and stuff.


Well-known member
If you want to see if your water is hard, go to petsmart and get the test strips for an aquarium and get the ones that test like 6 different things and 1 is the general hardness of the water.


Well-known member
which is better tho? baking soda or salt? If i use baking soda, how much do i put into a pie pan?


Well-known member
i think its a teaspoon or tablespoon, i would just take a little spoon full and sprinkle it in. I wouldn't do very much at all, just sprinkle it in and mix it.


Well-known member
how long until i can start feeling dryness? This would be 4th day of treatment, twice a day, 20 mins each session, i don't feel that much different


You should not experience tingling the whole time, just when you place your hands in the water.
Also I've read that is better to do only once a day for a slight longer treatment with reverse polarization also being used.
Also baking soda is better than salt for most people that I have seen.


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What do you mean by reverse polarization? Do you mean switching up the poles half way through? Does this really help?


Well-known member
I think what he means is instead of doing two separate 20 minute sessions a day, we do a half hour session everyday, switching polarity after 15 minutes.


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g35- No it should be fine

Some tips I got are to keep the water line down low, somewhere between .5 and 2 cm. Don't use vasoline to cover cuts use nivea blue cream. Cover finger nails and cuts, as the current trys to find the least resistant part of the hand to go into and it will go into these areas first leaving the treatment less effective. Also don't have the water touching parts that don't sweat on your hands and feet, the soles have thick skin and the current will travel to the less thick skin on the top of the hands and feet.