Anyone currently using Iontohporisis


Active member
yeah, thanks for the support guys. i'm actually doing my 7th treatment now (feet, just finished hands) and really hope i have results to report soon. i use as much baking soda as i can stand as it seems to accelerate the itching/burning of my skin.


Well-known member
just so u know, i think i use a lot more baking soda than you. I literally just pour baking soda into the pans and honestly, as long as you don't submerge your hands, the only burning feelings are going to be between your fingers and it's quite bearable. I do it once a day, 30 minute sessions.

I have a question for those who have been using this homemade thing. I've been doing this for two and a half weeks and it seems like I'm stuck to a point where it's not going completely dry nor does it sweat a lot, I would say I'm at around 95% dry. Should i up the voltage to 24V?


Active member
ok! since i know you guys love my day by day whining about this (ha), here i am again. 8 treatments in and i possibly have results to report, albeit small. a quarter sized patch on each of my palms seems to be dry, as well as the bottom 3rd of each of my index fingers. i received odaban yesterday and applied some of that on to my hands as well, so im not sure if it's the ionto or the odaban. most of the rest of my palm is still quite sweaty, especially the fingertips and outside edge of my palm.

don't really know that the ionto is doing anything for my feet. the odaban seems to have controlled my pits somewhat, still a bit of sweat but not as much as yesterday. i woke up at 4:30am and had to wash it off because it's so damn itchy.


Well-known member
Just done my first ionto treatment tonight, **** me when I put my hands in first time they spazzed up and flew back out. Second time in though i got them in and it itched and burned, which im fine with. Used 18v first time. Anyone got any ways to stop the initial shock? How often should I do it? Should I do it tomorrow or wait another night? Does baking soda make the shock at the start worse, or just improve the whole treatment?
Thanks a lot :)


Well-known member
You'll just have to bare with the pain of doing these treatments. IMHO it's a really small price to pay to have dry hands. Anyway, baking soda will make the water hard, therefore you'll feel like more current's running through your palm, it's a great improvement compared to using basic tap water.


Well-known member
well I was kinda desperate to see results when i first started so i did it twice a day. However, I think i wasn't doing it correctly during the first few days cuz i submerged half my palms into the water, which was supposed to be less effective.

I corrected the method around day 5 i think and finally noticed results around day 7, which then i switched to doing it once a day with baking soda. If i were you I would just do it once a day, add baking soda, and do 30 minutes total.


anxiety: I'm glad it is starting to work for you
bigchris: It is good to do everyday. If your water is hard enough you might not need to add baking soda especially if you get a shock without it. Try without baking soda for a week and then add it if it is necessary.


Well-known member
Thanks too both, I've noticed a slight reduction in sweating after 1 session, but I'm not sure if I'm imagining it, I'll do another session tonight with no baking soda.

g35, what do you mean by
However, I think i wasn't doing it correctly during the first few days cuz i submerged half my palms into the water
I just put my hands in the water and held them there, my whole hand was in the water except some of the back of my hand wasn't, and I just held it in the middle not touching any sides. What am I meant to do?

Thanks all again.


Active member
today, 9 treatments in a bigger section of my palm is dry. also the bottom 3rd of all of my fingers seem to be dry. not 100% but maybe like 97%. fingertips are the sweatiest area, then the side of my palm opposite my thumb.



Well-known member
Thanks too both, I've noticed a slight reduction in sweating after 1 session, but I'm not sure if I'm imagining it, I'll do another session tonight with no baking soda.

g35, what do you mean by

I just put my hands in the water and held them there, my whole hand was in the water except some of the back of my hand wasn't, and I just held it in the middle not touching any sides. What am I meant to do?

Thanks all again.

What i meant was the surface of your palm should only be barely touching the water. Don't dip your hand in so that it covers the back of your fingers/palms. Hope that clears up the confusion


Active member
so today, after 10 treatments, it's really just my fingers tips sweating and then lightly on some areas on my palms. crazy. im not sure it's working for my feet.


Well-known member
I read on the Idromed forum that the optimal water content should be between 400 -800 mL per tray. Since doing this for 5 treatments, my hands have achieved 95% dryness!


Well-known member
400-800 mL, if i use the pie pan as shown in the youtube video, how high is the water level? Half the pan?


Well-known member
I have started to see serious result after:
Doing treatments but giving my hands a rest every few days
30 minute treatments while switching polarity in between
adding 1 cm or less of water in the tray, but not too low. Some where between .5 cm and 1 cm
Add just a tiny bit of baking soda and swirl it around
Have the hands barely submerged in the water, if the water is touching the finger nails it's too high.

I did around 40-45 treatments before finding these variables and now it seems to work. My hands haven't sweated at all today and I was at work for 8 hours and it usually sweats atleast a few times. I also didn't have sweaty hands yesterday even though I went and worked out. Soif your not having success then try a few of these tips and mess around. It's a lot of testing and experimenting.


wethandsandfeet: thanks for the tip.
Da Bulls: That's good advice. everyone is a little different finding the best results can be just a minor change.


Active member
those who barely touch the water - how bad do your fingertips sweat? mine sweat all of the way to the top of the nail bed so i have to put them in that deep. i cover my nails with vaseline though because i read somewhere that the current passes more easily through nails than skin.

just finished the 11th treatment...the irritation is less now so i'm wondering if the batteries are draining. for those with 6v batteries, how long do they typically last you and how often do you do treatments?

i've been doing 20 min on hands & feet daily, so 40 mins/day.


I have the Idromed machine but it hasn't worked for me. Maybe it's because I've been using it wrong.

Are you supposed to put your palms directly on to the metal plates or do you have to hover your palms in the water w/o touching the plates?


Well-known member
I just started up doing Ionto again. I got into a period where I just didn't care anymore, well I did but I didn't want to deal with it so I stopped. I think I was really close because my hands were drier and the last night I decided to do treatment when my hands felt like they were sweating badly and I touched them up against my skin they were not that bad at all.

gummybear00- No you do not want to put your hands directly on the plates. That could be bad! I started to see better results when I a) put much MUCH less water in the trays. Around .5 - 1 centimeter so my hands were barely submerged at all with not water at the finger nail line or on the outer skin of my hand. and b)when I started using baking soda, but I started using baking soda and using less water at the same time so this may or may not be what helped.

I went to the store yesterday and bought some seasalt and more baking soda and am going to try using a little of both. I did a treatment last night and I could only get up to 10 MA without it hurting, before I was getting up to 18-20 MA. And after the treatment my hands were red and hurt, this didn't happen before. Man I really really hope it works this time.