Anyone currently using Iontohporisis


Active member
I got the PS with the stainless steel plates. Temperature of the water I guess is around 17-20 Celsius. First 15 treatments or so I used natural mineral water which I guess helped a lot, but few days ago I found really hard water from other side of my city and I will from now on use that. For my hands I put 1 liter in each tray, and for feet I use 2 liters.


Well-known member
I got the PS with the stainless steel plates. Temperature of the water I guess is around 17-20 Celsius. First 15 treatments or so I used natural mineral water which I guess helped a lot, but few days ago I found really hard water from other side of my city and I will from now on use that. For my hands I put 1 liter in each tray, and for feet I use 2 liters.

thank you, I will try to use mineral water bought from my local store.
another question: how do you change the polarity? do you change it in each session or after several sessions?
I have read an article which says that changing polarity in each session would be less effective than changing it after a few sessions.
here is the link:
International Journal of Dermatology - Abstract: Volume 45(7) July 2006 p 862-864 Quantitative effect of anodal current in the treatment of primary hyperhidrosis by direct electrical current.


Well-known member
Hi everyone I just wanted to keep you updated. I received my Idromed 5 PS about 15 days ago and since then I did daily treatments of 1 hr at 15mA for my hands and 30min treatments at 20-25mA for my feet daily. Keeping in mind that Idromed 5 is my upgrade from Drionic the difference is huge, and I finally stoped using avert daily. I can say that my hands are 95% and my feet are 70% dry. I find the feet a little extra harder to treat because there are a great number of areas that are above the water line, and I haven't tried treating my feet before with the Drionic- but I know I can do better than 70% dryness. Anyway I hope people give this method a fair try before they consider surgery, which may make things worse than before. Anyway best wishes.

I may have read you wrong, but: 1 hour and 30 minutes every day, for 15 days? I would never have time to do that. How often do you have to do maintenance treatments, or how long can you wait before your hands start sweating again? How severe is your sweating? I was thinking of buying this machine, my hands are in the moderate/severe range (not dripping, but in the summer, visible puddles of sweat).


Active member
I switch the polarity every two session, I'm not sure on the polarity issue because its really hard to find out (a lot of combinations) since you have to do so many sessions to achieve dryness. My hands and feet are extremely drippy so I had to do longer sessions before with the drionic, thats why I'm doing it this way. In the users manual it says 15 minutes for each treatment, so for moderate cases I hope 15 mins does the trick. For maintenance I will start doing 3 days a week and try fewer days as time goes.


Well-known member
Hi guys, I also have a similar problem. I used to live in a hard water area and I moved to a soft water area so I am trying something different to see if bottled natural mineral water is going to help. I am going to use 1 part soft tap water and mix 1 part mineral water with the below characteristics and use my Idromed 5 PS to see if I can be more successful. Here is the mineral water I will use;
All are stated in mg/liter

Fluoride(F) 1.4
Bicarbonate (HCO3) 1634.8
Magnesium (Mg) 111.4
Calcium (Ca) 326
Potassium (K) 53.6
Sodium (Na) 425
Carbonate (CO3) None
Sulfate (SO4) 6
Aluminum (Al) 0.034

And also interestingly, the conductivity of the water I will use is 2980 µS/cm
For the technical ones I hope this info helps.

thanks a lot for your reply.
another question: do you use the water you mentioned in one of your posts?
I find that the content of Bicarbonate is so high.

Soy Sauce

Well-known member
Batsuka, I have found that when my hands become dry from using the Drionic, my feet stop sweating for the most part also. I've never used Ionto on my feet. Has this been the case for you?


Active member
hi guys a homemade iontophoresis with transformers is as good or better then an idromed. and a homemade iontophoresis with transformers is way better then a drionic and the homemade iontophoresis with 6 V batteries and small pie pans. the power V A are higher in the transformer however less pain. and alot more effective. i tried the batteries 6 V wasnt working.

another thing ive posted some threads mentioning. removing the sweat sludge from your sweaty areas. sweat sludge is the sweat that sticks to your skin. the sweat its like having vaseline, nivea blue or sorbolen on your skin then use the iontophoresis. the result is less effective.

try this for one day go for a jog and sweat as much as you can. get home take a shower with warm water try and use a cloth and wipe those areas that you sweat. if your feet sweat have them in two buckets with warm water in the shower. get out and dry then use a dry cloth and focus on wiping those sweaty areas. even between the fingers or toes. now after take a very warm bath and use 1/2 cup of salt. use a cloth wiping your sweaty areas. the bath room temperatur is important, should be warm not cold. stay in there for an hour dont let the water get cool or cold. now after this use the iontophoresis. and take your feet out to wipe the feet whenever there clammy with sweat.

the bath is very similar to when you go the pools. people have said when they go to the pools for half the day they notice when they come out their very dry, same thing. their cleaning the sweat off their feet. not only that your pores have been blocked by sweat for so long they havent got the chance too breath fresh air.

now you dont have to take a bath everyday im just proving the point that iontophoresis works better if your skin and pores are clean and dry. and also youll sweat less. bc their clean and dry.

room temperature or body temperature is important the colder it is for me the more I feel like sweat coming. even when you sleep try and stay warm wear socks then when your warm take them off. put the blanket over your head till your body temperature is warm. then go to sleep
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Active member
Yes when I only treated my hands with drionic, it would be harder for my feet to start sweating, but when its triggered its the usual sweating. I guess its in our minds :)


I'm on day 8 right now, been doing treatment twice a day and I think im getting a lil bit of dryness on sections of my palm, but the fingers are still sweaty, not as bad as before tho. I realized that submerging my hands into the water doesn't work as well as having them just touching the surface of the water.

How would you know if you have only been doing it 8 days? If it takes 8 days on average to see results how could you have tested both methods?
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New member
Hello All
I had a sympathectomy at the age of 14. I have alot of secondary sweating plantar etc.I have tred it all Glycoplorate, botox and have resorted to taking £325 of her hard earned cash :) buy this machine. When I first used it a few year back in a NHS hospital it had minimum effect as there was less than 400ml of water. Since owning my own machine (I am the boss of me:) I top it as far as it goes. People with plantar HH know that it is not only the soles of your feet that sweat (doooh to the doctors:)

Honestly I am too scared to say to soon but over the past days it has been hoooot (uk-24 degrees) and usually i would be squelching in my roman sandels...which eventually break!! But I am still sweating but it has reduced (in two weeks). This does not mean that it will work for everyone but hey it is working for me so far...fingers and everything else crossed xx


New member
hi guys a homemade iontophoresis with transformers is as good or better then an idromed. and a homemade iontophoresis with transformers is way better then a drionic and the homemade iontophoresis with 6 V batteries and small pie pans. the power V A are higher in the transformer however less pain. and alot more effective. i tried the batteries 6 V wasnt working.

another thing ive posted some threads mentioning. removing the sweat sludge from your sweaty areas. sweat sludge is the sweat that sticks to your skin. the sweat its like having vaseline, nivea blue or sorbolen on your skin then use the iontophoresis. the result is less effective.

try this for one day go for a jog and sweat as much as you can. get home take a shower with warm water try and use a cloth and wipe those areas that you sweat. if your feet sweat have them in two buckets with warm water in the shower. get out and dry then use a dry cloth and focus on wiping those sweaty areas. even between the fingers or toes. now after take a very warm bath and use 1/2 cup of salt. use a cloth wiping your sweaty areas. the bath room temperatur is important, should be warm not cold. stay in there for an hour dont let the water get cool or cold. now after this use the iontophoresis. and take your feet out to wipe the feet whenever there clammy with sweat.

the bath is very similar to when you go the pools. people have said when they go to the pools for half the day they notice when they come out their very dry, same thing. their cleaning the sweat off their feet. not only that your pores have been blocked by sweat for so long they havent got the chance too breath fresh air.

now you dont have to take a bath everyday im just proving the point that iontophoresis works better if your skin and pores are clean and dry. and also youll sweat less. bc their clean and dry.

room temperature or body temperature is important the colder it is for me the more I feel like sweat coming. even when you sleep try and stay warm wear socks then when your warm take them off. put the blanket over your head till your body temperature is warm. then go to sleep

This is why I love this site. Helpful information


Hello, everyone.
I use Hypercare (Aluminum Chloride) on my hands. It has been controlling the sweating for the past month. But tonight I decided to try iontophoresis in addition.

I made my own machine. I definitely felt the initial shock when I first put my hands in. I left them in there for about 30 minutes. After I was done, I noticed my hands were dry for about 30 minutes, but the sweating came back WORSE than before. Whats going on?
Any suggestions?