Anybody else over-eat?


Well-known member
I overeat sometimes, but in general I'm good at controlling myself. I stopped eating junk food some months ago, drinking sodas two years ago, and I've never drank alcohol, so overall I'm a healthy eater, but I still have improvements to make. I found that I was less depressed after I stopped eating junk food. Comfort food my eye.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
i dont do that but i know how its stopped, ive heard the strangest stories about eating problems. one girl was compulsive about eating her own hair. you have to replace the habit by doing something else, anything else. you cant just stop. you also have to make sure to eat a moderate amount every five hours to get your appetite in sync. thats the textbook version of how to stop it.


Well-known member
Have any ideas of things to replace it with?

I've got..

But sometimes I need to do something that gives me something to really look forward to each day. I haven't been able to find that

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
this sounds silly, but the thing about that is those activities are at home where your food is. if you go to a bookstore or a park or anywhere away from food during the times you usually binge it will help you alot to break the cycle. thats mainly if you're very compulsive about it.


Well-known member
Very true. And it combats my SA as well, if I must kick myself out. It's just a matter of, yes, kicking myself out. But i'm going to practice that... because you're absolouuuutely right and I needed that reminder =]


Well-known member
I do over eating to comfort my stress. Especially these days, it's getting out of control. I gained 14lbs in 2 months.
I know binge eating is bad for me, but when I'm really depressed and disappointed on myself, I become reckless.

Want to be, has to be strong to be able to handle stress.
I'm sorta like Lenna.. msotly sweets.. a lot of them.. and this happens when im anxious, which is often..and i have gained like 10 kilos in the ;last year:/ i think im gonn astart joggin this summer.. but till the.. its a whole month of eating.. im getting rly chubby.. and this will just result in increasing my anxiety.. :/


Well-known member
when I know i have a gut it makes SA just that much harder to deal with. the only time I really had an improvement was when I was running track in high school and was in the best shape of my life. but the aches and pains of getting older really sucks - but still no excuse. I'm trying to get myself up to go to the gym early mornings but not there yet.


I have a chronic low appetite. I take Zyprexa for the sole reason of appetite stimulation so I can maintain a somewhat healthy body weight. I only take in about 1200 calories a day. The average healthy person my age should take in 2000.


Yeah, it can be a coping mechanism. What surprises me more than anything is that I haven't busted a bunch of toilet seats, obtained my own zip code, or tipped the scales at 340934583457304589 lbs. yet. Thanks genetics...


Well-known member
yea im eating all the time but i never eat junk food , but lucky for me im always doing something to burn off all that food , like weight lifting , or mountain biking , or my job house removals , i think in another life i was probably a husky dog pulling a sledge lol cos i cant sit down for long or i get board ........:rolleyes:


Well-known member
yes,but I eat healtly,I have this bowl where I mix all kinds of nuts and seeds,sometimes I can go crazy :D,also eat a lot vegetales,my plate is always full of brocoli,spinach,tomatoes and onion.:D
Yum yum

I would if there was ever any food in my house. I do when there is, which is probably why there isn't. Lately though, I've just been forgetting to eat at all. When there's something I like though, I'll eat it all right away.
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Well-known member
^ yeh i think this is the key. living with my parents the pantry is full of chocolate, and when i'm stressed i just give in to it and the stimulant it brings. when i moved out i didnt have mych food around only what i needed and i cooked for myself some really tasty healthy dishes ...i think the problem can be food being easily accessible ...

i always have an urge to go and buy KFC as well ..although i rarely buy it, i usually end up going to nandos or a bakery instead ...

exercise is the only thing keeping me fit, i know i need to stop eating anything processed.


Well-known member
I try to be sensible about my overeating. I figure I'll be eating more around holidays, so I cut back a bit before and after. Like if Thanksgiving is coming up, I'll eat less for the few days before. Afterwards, I tell myself that I just pigged out and I don't want to be too much of a lard ass, and cut back a bit.

Sometimes I get cravings for something I haven't had in a while, like french fries or ice cream, and get whatever I'm craving. I'll thoroughly enjoy it while I'm eating it, and afterwards I don't beat myself up over it. I just figure that I don't need to eat much at the next meal or two.

But as I've gotten older (meaning not a teenager anymore) I've found that if I eat too much too often I just feel like a blob of lard. So it's more difficult to really stuff myself more than once every few days. And I'm already unattractive enough. Quiet, pale, and bald. I don't need to be obese, too.
