Anybody else over-eat?


Well-known member
I'm not going to lie to myself, I'm lonely, I miss people (or at least the calm ones that I do'nt mind being around sometimes), and because of this I've started a new habit of bingeing big time when I realise how alone I am..Worst part is that i'm a celiac but when I binge I eat everything wheat =/. Not sure how to stop.
anybody relate?


Well-known member
Same unfortunately,
And I have the mind of an anorexic so I get really depressed for both being lonely & being a fatty.
But your never really alone, you just choose to be secluded, I used to just go anywhere other than home, even like a park or something. It made it a lil' better.


Well-known member
I rarely let myself overeat, but the compulsion is definitely in me. And it's awful that my favourite thing to eat is carbs. Any pasta or rice or anything! It's like what sweets are probably like for some people!


Well-known member
I have the "mind of an anorexic" as well x]. Ya know what, I think going anywhere but home will be a HUGE help for me. Thanks!


Well-known member
Yes, whenever I'm stressed I start eating basically infinite food... never being fully satiated. I have to try reasoning with myself, "does my current level of activity really require 3,000 empty calories worth of cake? Is the root problem hunger, leaving me satisfied after this, or is this a way of avoiding something else while hiding my anxieties from myself?"

in the second case, it helps me to remove myself from my typical surroundings, removing most of the stimuli that I've come to associate with food. It also put me slightly on edge, less likely to fall back on old avoidant habits and more likely to implement new and productive coping behaviors e.g., addressing the damn paper that I've been putting off for the last 3 months and bringing an end to my apprehension.

... or redirecting my consumption to more wholesome foods... devouring entire forests of broccoli. The more effort is put into each meal, the better... if you learn that escaping from your problems is as easy as grabbing a brownie off the counter, you'll be making frequent visits to your chewy, chocolatey companions.. So it's important for them to be your enemy! Curse you, food! I hate you! ...yes

..exercise can help to sublimate some of the anxiety, which, in turn, can decrease anxiety based hunger.
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Well-known member
yeh but its only when im staying at my parents ..
there is always chocolate and crisps and so much food in the pantry ..
i definitely have a sweet tooth as well so its mainly chocolate and soft drinks that i have trouble with .....
Yeah, I have this too. I think it is called comfort eating. My cholesterol levels are too
high because of it and over the years I have put on some weight.
I know what triggered it, or that is, it was a collection of things but one
this set it of and ever since I have just been eating way to much.

Lenna C

When I'm under pressure or depressed I eat a lot of snacks and sweets, usually I watch TV, read or surf the Net in the same time.
It's sort of relaxation for me, pure escapism actually. I'm compulsive person and after that comes 'remorse time' when I try to make it up, to be on diet and to do exercise, I start with making plans, organizing myself, I take something to do, I try to make some sort of 'new beginning'.
yes I overeat.. and eat too many sweets. I used to be very sinny.. now I'm 10 kilos overweight, but with my problems, I cant diet, food is the only thin keeping me going..just hop i wont get any fatter:/ maybe i'll start running in the summer..


Well-known member
Yes i definitley relate! I over eat when i'm upset, bored, depressed. And then i have this overwhelming urge to make myself sick, but i can't because at the same time i'm scared of being sick lol. So i guess it's sort of like i'm a bulimic but without the throwing up, but wanting too to get rid of everything i just binged on.


Well-known member
Also.. brushing your teeth helps. Nobody wants to soil their newly shined chompers! Besides, nothing tastes good after brushing your teeth... unless you're Evil Earthworm Jim :eek:

I then ask myself, "Do I really give a f***?" I laugh and continue eating.
Very often, yes haha :D

being soft and pudding-like actually has its perks!
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Just an idea... maybe you can turn it into something useful. Prepare the foods yourself (maybe cook, grill... etc) and be creative about it so that the foods you consume are the kind that are very good for you...


Well-known member
I do sometimes. If I am somewhat depressed, but still have energy to go into the kitchen to get food then I eat constantly. But if I am severely depressed, I generally stop eating because I won't have the energy or will power to make something to eat.


Well-known member
yes and I feel disgusted with myself when i do it. glad to know at least i'm not the only one. can we all make a pact and say we are not going to overeat for 1 week. i promise you all i won't. anyone join me/


Well-known member
Do you have the milder form in which you don't show any symptoms or...?
No I get symptoms, a very sick stomach, dizzyness, bloating, full body aches, fuzzy headedness, complete unability to focus. I will binge on sweets and then eat a lot of bread to punish myself for it... =/
can we all make a pact and say we are not going to overeat for 1 week. i promise you all i won't. anyone join me/
Dude. Great idea! I will so join you. I just had my last sweets/bread binge...
ONE WEEK. here we come! Goodluck ;]


yes i over eat like crazy, yes its bad but i got nothing but depression so may as well do something i enjoy. over sleeping as well