Yes, whenever I'm stressed I start eating basically infinite food... never being fully satiated. I have to try reasoning with myself, "does my current level of activity really require 3,000 empty calories worth of cake? Is the root problem hunger, leaving me satisfied after this, or is this a way of avoiding something else while hiding my anxieties from myself?"
in the second case, it helps me to remove myself from my typical surroundings, removing most of the stimuli that I've come to associate with food. It also put me slightly on edge, less likely to fall back on old avoidant habits and more likely to implement new and productive coping behaviors e.g., addressing the damn paper that I've been putting off for the last 3 months and bringing an end to my apprehension.
... or redirecting my consumption to more wholesome foods... devouring entire forests of broccoli. The more effort is put into each meal, the better... if you learn that escaping from your problems is as easy as grabbing a brownie off the counter, you'll be making frequent visits to your chewy, chocolatey companions.. So it's important for them to be your enemy! Curse you, food! I hate you! ...yes
..exercise can help to sublimate some of the anxiety, which, in turn, can decrease anxiety based hunger.