Any teens here ?

Billy Nasty

21. Feel like 17 though. thats about when i stopped having a social life. Must be the reason
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Well-known member
im 15.
Still got 2 yrs left at skool.
Skool is hell for me.
Its good tht ive found out tht i have SP while im still young, but 15 is a age where ur suposed to party and go out with friends and do new things.
I do not,
and i feel like my parents are embasses of me.
They always ask "why dont u do out like a normal teen"
18 from Canada..and turning 19 in 8 days :D

18 is the best age because then you can start drinking and going to bars and R-rated movies haha it makes life at least twice as fun as before


18 from Canada..and turning 19 in 8 days :D

18 is the best age because then you can start drinking and going to bars and R-rated movies haha it makes life at least twice as fun as before

I assume you live in Quebec? Cause the legal drinking age everywhere else in Canada is 19.


Well-known member
19. in a few weeks turning 20. cannot wait to graduate. is life a little bit better after you graduate?


Well-known member
I'm not a teenager, but I used to be one. 8 years ago, that is :D

I wouldn't go back to my teens as they were then, but I would if I could take the knowledge I have now with me.
I assume you live in Quebec? Cause the legal drinking age everywhere else in Canada is 19.
I'm from Manitoba and here it's 18 as well. I go to school in Ontario though, where in ON are you?

And where are you from freestylemonster? Btw you're wrong about 18 being the best age. That's only true if you're not social phobic unfortunately.

I'm turning 19.. I'm actually afraid of graduating uni. I can't imagine how lonely and bored I'd be by then..