Answer and ask

Various things, mostly just cheap stuff, sweets and drinks.

Have you ever committed a crime?

(And no, I'm not counting you being too sweet for words, even though it probably is a crime ;))
Chuck Norris has no need for wood, but when he has a minute or two to spare, he could chuck all the wood in the world.

Is Axl Rose really on an Axle?
Playstation 2.

Ok, think back to 1985. Watching Back to the future or sitting around playing with.... paper or wood or whatever they had back then ::p:

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
Hmm, not my era. But if I HAD lived in 1985, I would be playing an NES, probably Super Mario Bros. like everyone else. I certainly wouldn't be watching back to the future.

Okay...American Comics, or Japanese Manga?