Answer and ask


Well-known member
^ I wondered this myself for the longest time. Seems they do many things depending on what type of insect you're talking about. Monarchs migrate to warmer climates, some other types shelter themselves under rocks and tree bark or even in your walls, while some, in their larval forms, stay under the ice all winter. Amazing how life always finds a way.

What do you truly think happens after death? No I don't knows please. Humor my speculative ways.


Well-known member
I think it is a combination of mauve, ecru, and puce.

If a rooster was sitting on the exact apex of a pitched roof in North America, and it laid an egg, on which side of the roof would the egg roll down? What side would the egg roll down if it was in Australia?
1 simple fort, 17 for an intricate fort.

If I go for a walk on Sunday, and average 10 miles an hour, and keep going straight on non stop until 3 weeks later, how crazy would I be?
completely crazy, as walking that far would kill your adorable little dog!:rolleyes:

How many friends in real life do you have to have to be considered "normal"?
Trick question, the amount of friends you do or do not have has no bearing on your normality.

Why does everyone think I cannot walk anywhere without my dog? :rolleyes:
Because they know that Harvey has telepathic control over you mind and makes you take him everywhere - you dont know this as he erases your memory.

Why do ducks quack??


Well-known member
That's how they communicate with each other. At least that's what wikipedia told me...

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
Umm... well, I don't know what counts as a wall, so I'll count how many straight bits of wall there are, if that makes sense.


How many socks are in your room?


Well-known member
by "room" I'll imply "house" since i live in the whole thing by myself:


do you wear an ankle bracelet?