Answer and ask


Well-known member
Because God was created in men own image and not the other way around.

If you could be omnipotent what would be your first act?


Well-known member
all the time and I feel very bad.

Ever fell deeply in love with someone you never really talked to?


Well-known member
yes. more to the point neither one of us could even look the other in the eye unless in a state of intoxication.

what are the four top attributes you look for in a prospective partner: 2 physical, 2 mental/emotional?


New member
i) Hygine (sorry if spelt wrong)
ii) Individuality

i) Sense of Humor
ii) Laid back(ness)

Q. Worst thing that can happen on a first date?
I want to die from Ebola... Happy thoughts.

If "a thought is worth a penny" and you "put in your two cents" where does the other penny go?


Well-known member
Its taxed by the government, afterall thinking is very dangerous and must be controlled.

If tommoro was the last day of the world what would you do?


Well-known member
Supermodel sun tan lotion application consultant.

If you were the Incredible Hulk, what would the Hulk smash?


Well-known member
i don't know enough people to have enemies.

you have a make-people-stupid-but-hot stick. Would you hit anyone with it? who?


Active member
is your Benzedrine?
I was brain-dead, locked out, numb, not up to speed.
I thought I’d pegged you an idiot's dream
Tunnel vision from the outsider’s screen
I never understood the frequency.
You wore our expectations like an armored suit.

If you had children what would you name them?


Well-known member
Being thrown out of the houses of parliment for losing my rucksack there by creating a bomb scare and almost getting on the news as being idiot of the week.

Whats the most embarrasing moment of your life?

(Sorry for the lack of originality)


Well-known member
hahaha shini you're funny :D

hmm the most embarassing moment was when some "friends" decided to play a trick on me and left a mobile in my pocket. Then they'd randomly ring it in class..omg :oops: I think it's what made my social phobia worse. Also when I was like 7 I opened a fire escape door and all the alarms rang. If I got used to the funny side, maybe I wouldn't have sp ;)

Are you superstitious?


Well-known member
wingcharm said:
Answer: No

Question: Why do most people love eating sweets?!!
(Ex. chocolate, cake, ice cream etc.)

Because it tastes good.

Which do you prefer : day or night?