Answer and ask


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The old mouse joined a union and is currently on strike.

Would you rather eat a cow hoof or a whole cricket?


Well-known member
Orlando said:
The old mouse joined a union and is currently on strike.

Would you rather eat a cow hoof or a whole cricket?

a) I would eat a whole cricket women team with chili and salt. yep, definetely the cricket.

q) How in the world an illusionist make a fool of us. Is an illusionist an alien in disguise? (D.Copperfield) why he doesnt age?


Well-known member
they basically apply elaborate tricks that involves optocal illusions. this illusions are part of the nature. David Copperfield might not age too much bcz he was married with a Claudia Schiffer and had lots of sex with her and hes rich and can afford plastic cirgury.

Is there a possibility to grow pineapples in Jupiter?


Well-known member
Anonymous said:
they basically apply elaborate tricks that involves optocal illusions. this illusions are part of the nature. David Copperfield might not age too much bcz he was married with a Claudia Schiffer and had lots of sex with her and hes rich and can afford plastic cirgury.

Is there a possibility to grow pineapples in Jupiter?

No, Jupiter is a gaseous planet; it does not have a solid surface like the Earth does. Plus, it's too cold and there is no water.

Is it possible to say how much of our gender identity is derived from our environment (i.e parents/society) and how much our roles are biological?


Well-known member
uberanonymousman said:
Is it possible to say how much of our gender identity is derived from our environment (i.e parents/society) and how much our roles are biological?

A. Yes, simple experiments involving children's choice of play things.

Q. Why don't people ever dipict aliens with hair?


Well-known member
answer: Yes - Death

question: Which of the following celebrities would you most like to see slip on a banana skin on the red carpet and why? Paris Hilton, Orlando Bloom, President Bush, Prince Charles or Britney Spears?


Well-known member
Answer: Yes, daily. But I'm a little obsessive with showering and bathing. Sometimes I don't feel like it and it annoys me but I will because I can't get it out of my mind or start my day without a shower!

Question: Who's cruel idea was it anyway to put the letter "S" in the word LISP? :lol:


Well-known member
Answer: I love to stare at the clouds! Nothing more relaxing than laying on a blanket at the park on a warm afternoon and watching the clouds go by!

Here's a good Question: If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done? :D


Well-known member
Answer: Leonardo Da Vinci

Question: The man from America said all Americans are liars. Is he telling the truth? :p


Well-known member
Ansewer: I Believe! :D

Question: If you were a wiggly worm who worried over your wiggle, how would you worm your way out of your wiggly ways?