Answer and ask


Well-known member
Yes I have...nothing major though. Think ive stolen something before...

Whats your phone number?, im kidding. Ever been skinny dipping? If not, would you ever?


Well-known member
Even though I've been on this site for a few years now, no. :roll:

Do you believe in ghosts?


Well-known member
Yes. Most recently at a museum. It was a rainy day and coming down the stairs to the museum entrance, I slipped, and slided down the rest of the stairs on my backside! :oops: :lol: :oops: :lol:

Which you prefer to be rich or good looking?


Well-known member
Good looking because being rich would get boring after a while :D

If you won the lottery what would you do with the money?


Well-known member
a cabbage patch doll, called trilby. she was awesome personified, i gave her away to another little girl who had hardly any toys when i was like 13.

what is a joke that always makes you laugh, no matter how many times you've heard it!?


Well-known member
I'm so retarded, when I read this, I thought it was a riddle. I was siting there for about a minute before I realised it wasn't.

well bear in mind I have a pretty immature sense of humor:

A man walks into a bar and steps in a pile of crap. 'Oh well, it's not the end of the world' thinks the man and sits down at the bar. A few minutes later a really big, angry looking man comes in. Walks a few steps and then *scwelch*. The man at the bar, looking slightly bemused, turns around and says "I just did that". The big guy punches him straight in the schnozcumber.

Q: How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man?


Difficult question...then again im not a guy so yeah lol. My question is will a relationship between 2 social phobics work?


Well-known member
hmmm...well i think it could. But just because some people have soical anxiety in common it doesnt mean they will be alike in other ways. So I guess if they have other things in common it could work. :D

Who let the dogs out? lol


Well-known member
Without a doubt. In fact it's more like I'm interviewing myself- asking myself questions that I already know the answer to, then proceeding to answer them. Sometimes though I'm so lazy, I give up mid-sentence. But yeah.

If God exists, why is there suffering in the world?