Am I mentally ill?

Dear Social Phobia community

Those of you who know me will know that I joined this site about two months ago with the intention of trying to overcome my loneliness, establish some meaningful first time connections and maybe overcome some of my issues about affection, love and friendship.

Even though I've spent my entire childhood, adolescence and adulthood feeling different and isolated from other people, and even though I have failed so miserably to connect to the world around me, I have overall never thought of myself as mentally ill.

In the past week I have tried to kill myself violently through wrist slitting, and in the aftermath been admitted to my local hospital while in a fit of emotion (crying/screaming/wailing). I then underwent a psych evaluation and was released. Then less than 24 hours later I accidentally overdosed on alcohol and drugs and was taken to a new hospital in another fit of uncontrollable emotion (crying/screaming/wailing), here I was evaluated by a new psych team and involuntarily sectioned or commited.

I'm currently staying at a mental institution, from which I can only leave during the day. It's the most depressing place I've ever had to stay, and that's coming from someone whose been in care and also in prison. I'm looking around my surroundings and now asking myself: 'Am I really mentally ill? Is there something wrong with me?'

What do people think?


Well-known member
Of course I'm not a professional in the field of psychology but a serious suicide attempt certainly seems to indicate that you're not emotionally/mentally stable...

I hope you can recover soon, it must be a terrible situation : /.


Well-known member
it sounds like you need some help

most people do in varying degrees from time to time

take advantage of the help that is being offered to you now

i sincerely hope it works out for you

good luck
The problem I have is that this institution is just horrible. Every patient other than me isn't able to speak or think coherently. There aren't any activities or any form of stimulation. The beds on the wards are all close together and you can't sleep at night because of the crying and the screaming by the other patients.

This is an impoverished area, and if any of you saw this place you would find it utterly depressing. I want to get help, but I don't forsee any improvement here so want to be desectioned.


Well-known member
Well, the urge to survive is normally one of the strongest instincts we have (next to sex I guess). If you are physically mostly healthy, and you still try to kill yourself, then you got to have other, serious, problems. Whether you are mentally ill or whatnot, I can't tell. Neither do I know you well enough, nor am I a doctor.


Well-known member
I am not a doctor but here's my opinion (which you can feel free to ignore): trying to kill yourself multiple times indicate that you are not satisfied with this life and want to end it. Maybe the problems in your life are too much to handle that you want an easy exit, or maybe you don't see any meaning to living. I think you should try to find professional help ASAP. If you don't like this hospital, try to be on your best behavior so that you can get released ASAP. Then after you are released, seek quality professional help.


Well-known member
hi your situation sounds serious for you to have been sectioned. im guessing that they wiil keep you as an inpatient for at least 28 days for assesment as its standard practice in the uk, best thing you can do is attend the therapy and take whatever meds they give you. i hope all goes well for you.


Well-known member
What do people think?

I'm sorry to hear this and just like everybody else mentioned I'm not a doctor either, but if your general intent of asking this was if you give the impression of a mentally ill person, by reading some of your previous posts I could have never guessed neither do I get that impression now.
I hope your life returns back to it's normal routine soon.