Alcohol-do you or dont you


Well-known member
I love to drink beer. I've been having money issues lately and haven't been able to drink as much as I want. I'm not an alcoholic but I do drink at least twice a week. I drink by myself every time i drink cuz I haven't been hanging out with friends for years. I used to think I could never drink by myself but i'm not going to not drink just because I'm alone. The main reason I drink is because my life is so incredibly boring, and drinking puts things in a different perspective with a buzz too. Alcohol is one of those things that I don't know if i could survive without.


Well-known member
I would have some alcohol back when It was illegal and thus 'cool' to do it.
Never got buzzed and never got drunk.

Ever since college, I haven't bothered.
Just not my thing.
Same with smoking/drugs/cannibalism~ not my thing!


Well-known member
I have completely sworn off the stuff since New Years.

Not only am I an obnoxious drunk, hangovers have a severe emotional effect on me.

Alcohol, no thanks.