AAAHHHH!!! Nostalgia is holding me back!!!


Well-known member
do you ever come to think that one of the reasons that you cant move on is that before your life hit the fan life was sooo gud.i mean before i went to high school,before all the social pressures kicked into full swing,primary school was the best tyms and i cant seem to let go of pictures from that time.

i am even having dreams ABOUT THE GUD OLD DAYS.its hard to create new gud memories and i;m 20 years old now but life hasnt changed for me since primary skul.i think the same and do the same things aallll tym.

i always go to facebook to look at people from those days and reminiss bout those days.even thogh i cut ties with those people i still deep down in my heart want to c them


Well-known member
what is with your ****ing grammar?

"gud" and "tyms" are not real ****ing words.

Go back to school. Where the **** did kids go wrong and learn to type like this? It's pretty sad.

I'm Not There

Well-known member
what is with your ****ing grammar?

"gud" and "tyms" are not real ****ing words.

Go back to school. Where the **** did kids go wrong and learn to type like this? It's pretty sad.

Well I agree with you and I can't say it doesn't annoy me, but I'm going to give an on topic reply as well.

do you ever come to think that one of the reasons that you cant move on is that before your life hit the fan life was sooo gud.i mean before i went to high school,before all the social pressures kicked into full swing,primary school was the best tyms and i cant seem to let go of pictures from that time.

i am even having dreams ABOUT THE GUD OLD DAYS.its hard to create new gud memories and i;m 20 years old now but life hasnt changed for me since primary skul.i think the same and do the same things aallll tym.

i always go to facebook to look at people from those days and reminiss bout those days.even thogh i cut ties with those people i still deep down in my heart want to c them

I must say that I also reminisce about the good ol' days. Although I've had social anxiety my entire life, I do have some memories of times where things really were better.

I'm hardly creating any new memories for the last couple of years as well; I'm not doing enough significant stuff I guess.

Oh yeah and I do the facebook thing too, wishing I had some sort of time machine...


Well-known member
what is with your ****ing grammar?

"gud" and "tyms" are not real ****ing words.

Go back to school. Where the **** did kids go wrong and learn to type like this? It's pretty sad.

woah! that's a bit harsh isn't it?! Slang is the future. Half the words we use today were once upon a time slang. It's the natural evolution of language. It's nothing to fear.

anywayz, yea I know what you mean Chakrapoint, I feel like I'm gonna be twelve forever! At family parties, I always end up hanging out with my younger nieces and nephews! and people often comment at the number of childrens films I have in my dvd collection! There's definitely a big part of me that's trapped in the 90's!...but I think I like it that way!.... "tyms" were simpler back then! ;) ::p:


Well-known member
I think that simply to crit on someones grammar without having anything positive or constructive to bring to the conversation simply shows an inability to accept others for who they are, but if that is the way others feel, then it is also fine.

Regarding the post, it can sometimes be difficult to move forward and create new memories when you are allowing your anxiety to restrict you from having new experiences and moving forward in your life. Unfortunately this is the cycle a lot of us find ourselves in.

The only way to overcome this in my opinion is to find ways to have enough intent to be able to get out there and create new good times. You say you are only 20 years old and it is for this reason that you need to take the bull by the horns as soon as possible so as not to be robbed of the time of your life where you truly can be free to make memories.

All strength to you and may you find the strength you need in order to truly take back control of your own life.


Well-known member
I definitely feel like this. I feel (basically) like the same girl from primary school. I like and do the same things I once did (for the most part). I feel like it's everyone else that has changed on me. Friends have changed and we no longer have that connection we once did. It makes me sad...Especially seeing other people on Facebook having the time of their lives with friends.

Actually, just yesterday, 6 aquaintances of mine got back from a camping trip and posted their pictures. They're all nice people, but people I didn't manage to become friends with. It makes me sad that I don't have a group of friends that I can go camping in a big group with. They swam and hiked and told stories by the campfire. It was completely innocent. No drinking. No drugs...Just a clean good time. I'd totally like to be a part of it, but I never see these people anymore (now that I'm in college). Even if I did, I'd feel like I'm butting into their little group and they wouldn't want to have anything to do with me. :(


Well-known member
Hey Drivemycar, just comment with something like 'WOW! This looks awesome! Wish I was there!!' and see what they do? (Maybe next year they'd even invite you? ;))

I went camping with some friends in the past and it was fun.. Never had a whole 'group' of friends I could go with every year, though it was good to meet new people too.. See if your church or local youth group organize anything? (Depends on the priest if there's booze; a friend said she had heaps of fun on such camps too..) There are volunteering camps too, those can be fun too.. Or maybe you can help organize something, or join the scouts or such?

I have nostalgia for Uni years, that was the best time in my life... Primary school was (mostly) horrible, high school a bit less so, then it just went better - until it got worse again, lol!

So all of you who still haven't been to college or Uni - the best time may still be to come!!!

As for text-speech, it kinda bothers me a bit too, Chakra, can you fix it?
fiftw, I understand it can bother you lots, still I think politeness rocks-? ;) Especially to new members?
what is with your ****ing grammar?

"gud" and "tyms" are not real ****ing words.

Go back to school. Where the **** did kids go wrong and learn to type like this? It's pretty sad.

Maybe he's not a native speaker? Even if he was a native speaker, there's no reason to start insulting him that way. If his post reflects poorly on his language skills, your post reflects poorly on you. Everyone has their own skills or lack of them. How would you like it if a sociable person tells you "Wtf is wrong with you? Go back and learn some ***ing social skills" or some other thing that you're weak in...

To OP: Yes, I feel a lot of nostalgia about the 'good old days' as well, but for me at least... the good old days are a lie. Even then, there was a lot of anxiety and other unhappiness. Was just too young to really understand it.


Well-known member
thanx guys,i was a bit in a rush and resulted in in me going into text mode as that is the short way of writing in my country,will do better next time ( not tym).i really wanna let go of those days but cant because i value those memories very much


Well-known member
my fault. I shouldn't have gotten so mad I guess.

The world's going to **** anyway, and it's not like I didn't know that already, so why did I get mad? I have no idea.

Nostalgia doesn't hold me back...I hated life in high school. I'm more happy now than I was back then. I was constantly harassed and made fun of for no reason. Now I have no job, still go to school, and live with my parents at age 26 while most 26 year olds are married or have kids or AT LEAST ARE LIVING ON THEIR OWN. It makes me so angry sometimes...just breathe I tell myself....


Well-known member
oh i'm very nostalgic this past two years. i've been living in the 90's so to speak, listening to music from that era and watching sports from the 90s, jordan era bulls, movies and tv series from that era etc and thinking about those days i was in high school is unhealthy to OCD over nostalgia though. and i think for me its an escape from the NOW and reality to be nostalgic but its also a nice revisit of what i would consider to be culturaly better days.
I feel the same way! I think I am nostalgic to an unhealthy level. I remember childhood so fondly, and so I constantly (almost obsessively) look at pictures and watch home movies of when I was a kid. I wasn't anxious until middle school and I had friends without even trying. It all went downhill from their. I miss the nineties too...entertainment, music, the actors, the general vibe of the decade everything seemed so much better growing up during this time. It's probably all in my head though
It kills me.
I want a time machine so I can go back.
Looking at pictures and remembering the past. And then looking up and seeing all of those people are now grown up with kids of their own, while I'm sitting here living in the past.
It's a rough obstacle to defeat.
Even creating new memories doesn't help, because those just become more memories of the past that I will look back on.

So who wants to take a trip with me back to.. let's seee.. 1997? Early 90's would be fun too.


Well-known member
ugh - I HATED the 1990's lol!!

I just don't GET the 1990's nostalgia!! What was there to love? Bad fashion, bad music (some of it, yes there was some good music too)
We had war in ex-Yugoslavia, the world was in crisis...

Well, it sounds a bit like today, so maybe that's why people can relate..

Late 90's were okay (Uni) and I LOVED 2000!!! :) Fashion-wise too...
(Maybe because everybody said the world was coming to an end and I dared to do much MORe of what I really LOVED and wanted to do.. Then I sort of got burnt out though, lol.. Tried to do too much and cram too much into one year...)

I think every time there is a liberal president in USA there is a 'crisis' (all republicans flee with their money elsewhere) and 'carrot trousers' (maybe because less fabric is needed?) and 'hippie nostalgia/fashion'... Think about it. Observe.
I CANNOT get passionate about carrot trousers!! They're just hideous, lol!!

fiftw & Chakra, glad you guys made it up.

fiftw, I hated high school too! And it got much better later on.. Some people who live with their parents at 26 save up money and can buy flats or houses later on when other people get kicked out or lose houses due to bad morgage or such..

And some don't. Living with parents can suck big time, know that even people older than you are sometimes forced into this temporarily, after divorce or such.. Some are married, with kids - and living with their parents - and it can work OR not!! I think we need a support thread for anyone still - or again - living with parents!!

It's good you realized stuff stemmed from elsewhere.. Many people just throw it around on others, parents on kids etc. It's good we have a friendly and supportful forum here, with people from all over the world... Peace... :)
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Lol... just remembered... It may sound silly, but I sometimes watch back old scooby-doo cartoons on youtube and feel very calm. I remembered the time I had as a kid.


Well-known member
yep,nostalgia is pretty bad for me and since im 20 now the nineties was a time where tv shows such as power rangers,beetleborgs and VR troopers had a huge impact on kids lives.its hard to have faith in myself now to even try make new memories as i feel that was the time when everything in my life was perfect and there were no stresses of early adult life


Well-known member
yes, I am very nostalgic towards my childhood pre high school, and also the 1980s. These were the best years of my life, my parents were still alive, and I didn't have social anxiety.


Well-known member
thanx guys,i was a bit in a rush and resulted in in me going into text mode as that is the short way of writing in my country,will do better next time ( not tym).i really wanna let go of those days but cant because i value those memories very much

Don't do that. Else you will start writing like that in your school/job too! Besides you don't have to feel sad about your primary school days. You're 20! Now is the best time of your life. Ask anyone! So have fun right now.
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Active member
I often have dreams involving my old classmates. It was such fun back then, I was a genuine kid. Sure, that was the time when I started being confused and insecure, but it didn't stop me from being a relatively happy kid. :) Best years of my life (8-14)