5 improvements you made this year


Well-known member
Name five things that your proud of yourself for, that occured this year or recently :cool:

1. First successful job interview
2. Attended one party
3. Completed a couple classes
4. Went on a date
5. Showed up for the doctor to extract my wisdom teeth


I sorry to say I can't think of 5.

But I got

1. Started seeing a psychologist
2. Depression is a lot less than last year
3. Somehow survived my second semester of school


Well-known member
1) learnt to relax
2) improved my diet
3) dialed back my anxiety to a much more manageable level.
4) Maintained my ability to run depsite injury
5) results at work.


Well-known member
1) Graduated from high school
2) Lost about 7 pounds - I can finally see my abs!!!!
3) Got my braces off
4) Got through my first job interview without having a panic attack
5) Got a part-time (now full-time) job at the local library


Well-known member
Hmm... All I can really think of are 2.

1) Graduated from high school (And already attended the biggest graduation. Only one left to go.)
2) Vastly improved my health


1. Went back to college and completed the first year with decent grades.
2. Lost weight - not sure exactly how much THIS year but a good enough amount :) I feel much better about my body.
3. Got back into therapy and meds.
4. Really managed to get my diet to a healthy place.
5. Completed a full year of driving, which is good to get out of the way finally.


Well-known member
I should have 5 by the end of the year, anyways! I have a list of 8 goals above my desk and so far I've only been able to keep up with 2 of them. The second one isn't necessarily an improvement on anything, though. Not yet.

1) I work out at least 20 minutes a day/ 4 days a week
- I run for 1 hour in the morning/ 6 days a week

Going on 6 weeks, now- so it's becoming a habit that's easier to keep up with.


Well-known member
Wow there are a lot of inspiring improvements here!!

Is this year like 2011? Or a year ago?? 2011 is my guess..

1. Improved my lifestyle
2. Acquired a job, which means having been through a tough interview!
3. I get out of the house more with less anxiety.
4. Developed concrete goals.
5. Learned about people and how they act... This is so important and has changed my view of all people. You don't realize it, but the more you're in your house isolated the more warped your view is, and you end up being affected by that warped view, whether it's becoming more defensive... or something else.


Well-known member
1. Went back to therapy
2. Graduated high school (seems like a lot of people here just graduated!)
3. Volunteered for, and became captain of the swim team
4. Found a purpose
5. Got accepted to one of the States' most prestigious film programs/universities (after many nerve-wracking interviews)
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