3 minutes?

"Three minutes of your life are lost for every ad break you sit through"

Suggest something that can be done in 3 minutes

brush your teeth
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Just one more minute please...

Too bad I don't watch ads anymore, cause' there is a lot you can do in three minutes :(. hah.

Slap someone a whole bunch of times.

Make a drink...

And come up with better ideas than me?


Well-known member
I once made a batch of cookies during all the commercials while watching The Princess Bride. lol


Well-known member
^^^^ HAhah!
Good movie, and good usage of commercial time.
I don't own a tv so I only deal with internet ads, that seem to be increasing...

You could increase your vocabulary one word in 3 minutes :)


Well-known member
- Read the mail
- Make a cup of tea / coffee
- Go to the toilet
- Make a start on cleaning up if your house needs it.
- Find a book with short chapters and read a chapter or two

I think that wil do for now.


Well-known member
1) Watch my fingers.
2) Watch my toes.
3) Another commercial ? Play with my fingers.
4) Dude, seriously, another one ? Play with my toes.
5) You're kidding me .. right ?


Well-known member
This is funny. I once had a conversation with someone who always worked out in the loose spare time we all have. I remember what he said down to the last word:
"Waiting for the microwave? Time for some push ups.
In a video game lobby, looking for a match? Get the dumbells out"
This is actually pretty clever. I mean if you live with someone, and they see you doing push ups in the kitchen while you're waiting on food, their first reaction will be pretty awkward