2012 is close


Well-known member
Hello SPW friends :)

Well, I'm not really into New Year resolutions, but now I realise that 2011 is coming to an end and I ask myself what I have achieved throughout this year, though I can't say much about that. I have kept dealing with my SA and have learnt the "techniques" on how to overcome it (though not always applied them). I'm glad because I'm not as concerned about my image as I was before (though I still am), and I've realised that I have no reasons not to believe in myself. I have taken a step towards giving my own opinions and having somehow more of a personality (I've always tended to follow crowds, and people whom I thought were superior to me).

Now, next year I'm going to turn 22 (double two, which is an important number to me), I'm almost going to finish college (I will only have some subjects left then), and I have the feeling that that will mean a new stage in my life (or at least I hope it is). So I started planning on what I am going to do next year:

First of all, I'm gonna look for a job, this time seriously. I need to get some money for myself if I want to travel and be more independent, and, apart from that, I don't want to be at home all summer, because it always gets broing and depressing. I would also like to do some other activities. I want to go to study Russian in an academy (this one for sure). I would also like to do some other things, like theatre or writing workshops, but the offers I've seen are too expensive, so I will not label it as a preference.

As for personal experience, I want to read a lot, because I have the feeling that I am losing memory skills and knowledge, and because I am sometimes too lazy to get over and read (I spend my time foolishly instead, stupid as it seems). And I would really like to travel on my own or with some friends, even if it's someplace in my own country. I just want to get some experience and become more independent.

Now, for the SA part, I know that I've got some improvements last year, though I have always gone backwards then, but I want this next year to be better. First, I will try to speak to my classmates, and to make them realise I'm not antisocial or non-existent. Same thing for my friends, I don't want them to believe that I am stupid or lame, as they do now. And for the matter that really affects me, which is talking to the opposite sex, I'll really work hard on it. I don't have many chances to do that, cause I don't have good friends to go out and meet new people, but I will still try. I don't want to get a boyfriend, but I do want to be able to talk naturally to someone I like or find attractive, to make eye contact, to flirt and not to feel ridiculous if I do.

And finally, I want to make some improvements with my image. I'll try to eat more in order to gain some weight, and I will grow my hair longer and try a different hairstyle.

So that's it. Wish me good luck! :D
And of course, feel free to share your own resolutions. I really want to be optimistic about everyone's future :)


Well-known member
Amy, that is a great set of goals you have set out for yourself! You seem to have already achieved a lot, and by the end of 2012, you will be a completely new person!

I hope everything works out for you. :D


Well-known member
Good luck Amy, I am sure you will do just fine :)

None for me personally as I do not make new years resolutions I just set myself goals on a daily basis lol, I am always trying to tackle something! If I don't do it this way I never get them done. Not really one for planning I just think of something and then put it into motion there and then :)


Well-known member
I thought this was going to be about the end of the world :).

LOL I thought so too!! :D

Amy, keep us posted!! :) Good for posting your plans/intentions, post the progress too, so we can cheer you on!! :)

Reading some older threads on this board (about/from shy guys, or how guys think on certain topics etc) and talking to some great guys here made it somewhat easier to talk to men in real life too... Might wanna go dancing too?
Travel can make you braver too, has been mine+others experience too..

Russian sounds exciting!! There are lots of Russian people online too...
Some theatre workshops can be gotten for free, at least where I live, or you could maybe join a real group/improv/community theatre? Check if community colleges, 'adult ed' centers or even churches/church groups might have something... Writing workshops/lectures/speeches/presentations (or jobs) can be found in bookshops/libraries sometimes too..

Good luck!!