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  1. S


    If it weren't for this site and learning about all the other people with similar problems as me, I wouldn't of had the courage to see a Dr or try meds. I wish I could help everyone out there suffering from this shitty disorder! It's hard for many to function when you live in a permanent state of...
  2. S

    Quivering lips when nervous

    Today, I met with my daughter's 4 school teachers. They were talking about her special ed classes, her improvements and what she needs for the next school year. The whole time, I'd stare at them and I realized my bottom lip was quivering. I felt like they noticed it too and it was very awkward...
  3. S

    Do most psychiatrists not understand??

    I thought that psychiatrists should be smart enough to know about SA. I saw one for the first time last week and mostly she asked questions. She didn't act very understanding. I explained how uncomfortable I feel around people in public and talking on the phone. My husband is in the military and...
  4. S

    This helps with being assertive

    I got this from another SA site. Many SA'ers can't be assertive and this "workbook" helps. I didn't realize it wasn't rude to be assertive in telling people what you want or think. In the past, when I'd be honest with...
  5. S

    What is your main purpose?

    I feel empty half the time. It seems like my purpose on earth is to cook, clean, and take care of the kids. That's all I'm good for...making sure things are done for other people. I crave a feeling other then this one. It's like I'm walking through a thick fog and suddenly remembering I've...
  6. S

    How do you relax?

    Every time I have a Dr's appt, I feel like I can't breathe, my heart beats really fast and I'm just extremely nervous! I have an appt tomorrow and the anxiety is awful. What do you do to relax? I go through this every time and I can't stand this feeling. I try to think about other things but so...
  7. S

    Are you afraid of the other drivers?

    Every time I pull up to a stop sign, I wait for the traffic to go by so I can pull out. When a car pulls up behind me while I'm waiting, I feel like they probably want me to hurry up so then I get anxious. I sit watching the cars go by worrying that it's taking me too long and I'm pissing off...
  8. S

    Sharing a memory that made the SP worse

    I was wondering if you can share things that have happened to you in certain places that made the SP really bad. When I think back, I remember terrible things people have said to me and how they made me feel and that's why the SP gets worse all the time. It's been places like the Dr, dentist...
  9. S

    Getting help with SA

    I read something on-line about how some people see shrinks for help with SA and some take anti-depressants. I can't talk to a shrink because I'm a chicken. Also, it seems a shrink would be extremely traumatizing so how could that help! If I can mention to my Dr that I have this, I wonder what...