Are you afraid of the other drivers?


Well-known member
Every time I pull up to a stop sign, I wait for the traffic to go by so I can pull out. When a car pulls up behind me while I'm waiting, I feel like they probably want me to hurry up so then I get anxious. I sit watching the cars go by worrying that it's taking me too long and I'm pissing off the guy behind me. I'm afraid they'll start honking, flipping me off or just give me a dirty look. I'll start to talk to myself as a distraction so it won't bother me as much. I've always done this but didn't really put much thought into it before today. Does anybody else do things like that?


Well-known member
Yeah, I sometimes feel pressured to go if other cars are waiting behind me. But then I think, I'm not going to get into an accident just because someone else might be in a hurry. If they are in a hurry, that's just tough.


Well-known member
I totally think like that. I'm constantly looking in my rearview mirror thinking that the person behind me thinks I'm going too slow or something. I do that on the highway a lot. I'll be in the fast lane and will feel like the car behind me wants me to go faster so I'll speed up some or just switch lanes and let them go by.


Active member
Making left turns from a designated turning lane into a drive is what gets me all the time. Gah... in addition, I tend to worry about speed a lot, too.


Well-known member
I sometimes feel pressured to speed up if there is a car close behind me. i have also noticed that i become quite impatiant and angry easily when im driving, i start swearing and beeping at people if they cut me up or pull out on me which is not like me. :roll: :lol:


Well-known member
Generical said:
Hmmm i think most people do this, i wouldn't worry about it.

Im not worried about it, it feels good to let out some tention :) . Its just not normally like me to do anything to make people notice me, but when im in the car i become irate. I just find it weird that when im in my car i have the confidence to shout and beep at people :lol: Perhaps i feel safe in my car like im in my little bubble or somthing :roll:


Well-known member
omgosh...i thought this only happened to me and only in las vegas. we have the WORST traffic and drivers here! everyone forces you to drive fast. that's why i hate driving! and i just got a $300 ticket for running a red light :x...i can't help it if the cars in front of me were going slow so i couldnt get out of the intersection sooner. and i'm a good driver! i drive slow too so i can save on gas.


New member
I can barely drive.

I'm a pussy.

I get anxiety when driving to a new location or when about to go somewhere semi-far. But I never even go anywhere when driving. Just to school, gym, close friend's house. Lame.


Well-known member
Im like that too. I rarly drive anywere out of my home town and always have to know were im going and what lanes i need to get into. I also have an anxiety about parking and people watching me do this, i can do it but not when someone is watching me.


I'll agree with most the people on here, I always worry about the cars behind me. I'm rarely in a hurry, but I find myself speeding because I can't stand a car being to close behind me. And I've even gone so far as to take a detour that I didn't need to make just to let cars pass me. And when the person behind me is a cop I'm 1000 times more likley to act stupid. Even if I am doing nothing wrong I can not drive with a cop following me. I'll pull over and walk before I go a block with one in my rear view mirror.