Sharing a memory that made the SP worse


Well-known member
I was wondering if you can share things that have happened to you in certain places that made the SP really bad. When I think back, I remember terrible things people have said to me and how they made me feel and that's why the SP gets worse all the time. It's been places like the Dr, dentist, vet, and I certainly dread parent/teacher conferences. Not to mention the fact that I won't even get my hair cut at a salon.

The first time I ever went to the dentist (at 15), my mom took me because I had a cavity. She was raised to believe that's when you see the dentist, AFTER you get a cavity. There was no going to get your teeth cleaned every 6-12 mos. Well, that's all I was ever taught so when I was 20, I got a cavity and went to the dentist.

The girl who cleaned my teeth was a dental assistant but she was by herself that day. She also worked at the front desk. She asked me when was the last time I saw a dentist and I said 5 yrs ago. Well, the whole time she's cleaning my teeth, my mouth was wide open and she was scolding me for not coming in sooner. She was very rude and said to me "you can't just wait 'til you get cavities, then come in here and expect ME to fix it for you". Of course with her cleaning my teeth (roughly) I couldn't speak...not that I would have anyways. She bitched the entire time and acted like I was inconveniencing her. It's not like she was doing it for free! Anyways, she made me feel really bad about myself.

She was such a hateful bitch! Since then, I put appt's off even more because I always worry that I'm going to get chewed out and treated like scum. I wish I could've/would've told her off. It seems like when someone is rude, it surprises me and my mind goes blank. It may not sound too terrible but it really kills me inside being talked to like that. That's one of my many stories.


Well-known member
What a bitch! Dentists suck. That's a fact. I think it's a law that in order to become a dentist, you have to have certain qualifications... like learning how to chew people out, yell at your own customers, and of course try to start awkward conversations while the patient is completely knocked out, or at least has tubes hanging down the back of their throat.

So man, no big. Everybody feels chewed out after dealing with people who suck at life (aka, dentists). So you're in the clear for that one :p



Active member
That really pissed me off to read this. What a bitch!! :x You shouldnt take this shit from someone who you're paying services for. Next time, dont even talk. Just make her stop, grab your stuff and leave. U dont have to stay. Do it for God's sake, u r human and letting people get away with stuff like that makes your condition worse.

shon said:
I was wondering if you can share things that have happened to you in certain places that made the SP really bad. When I think back, I remember terrible things people have said to me and how they made me feel and that's why the SP gets worse all the time. It's been places like the Dr, dentist, vet, and I certainly dread parent/teacher conferences. Not to mention the fact that I won't even get my hair cut at a salon.

The first time I ever went to the dentist (at 15), my mom took me because I had a cavity. She was raised to believe that's when you see the dentist, AFTER you get a cavity. There was no going to get your teeth cleaned every 6-12 mos. Well, that's all I was ever taught so when I was 20, I got a cavity and went to the dentist.

The girl who cleaned my teeth was a dental assistant but she was by herself that day. She also worked at the front desk. She asked me when was the last time I saw a dentist and I said 5 yrs ago. Well, the whole time she's cleaning my teeth, my mouth was wide open and she was scolding me for not coming in sooner. She was very rude and said to me "you can't just wait 'til you get cavities, then come in here and expect ME to fix it for you". Of course with her cleaning my teeth (roughly) I couldn't speak...not that I would have anyways. She bitched the entire time and acted like I was inconveniencing her. It's not like she was doing it for free! Anyways, she made me feel really bad about myself.

She was such a hateful bitch! Since then, I put appt's off even more because I always worry that I'm going to get chewed out and treated like scum. I wish I could've/would've told her off. It seems like when someone is rude, it surprises me and my mind goes blank. It may not sound too terrible but it really kills me inside being talked to like that. That's one of my many stories.


Well-known member
I tend to avoid places which trigger bad memories for me. I guess its a natural response of mine (at last, a normal human reaction!!)
You know with the dentist woman, shon, maybe you need to take into account that there could very well be other factors at play, dentist's have always been overworked and sometimes get irritable ~ ive had dentists give me a roasting in the past, and due to me not having SA, his words washed over me & i didn't get affected as much.

The dentist whos seeing you probably doesn't even know you got SA issues, and will treat you like everyone else including if they get irritable over something. You've heard that phrase "familiarity breeds contempt?", im sure what the dentst said to you wasn't personal at all. It just seemed that way because you got SA issues.

If it bothers you that much that you want to change, Id phone them and request to speak to the dentist and explain that you 'don't feel comfortable in the way you're speaking to me because I have strong anxiety issues, I know you didn't know this but thats the way I feel' :) remember they're doctors too, You probably won't get an apology but you might just get understanding.