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  1. endoflife

    Acceptable level of contact...?

    I live in Illinois. I met this girl in Michigan on a family vacation. She was also on vacation, and lives in Maryland. Basically we really like eachother, although I doubt a serious relationship will ever be possible due to the distance barrier. We have eachother's facebook, cell phone and AIM...
  2. endoflife

    Suicide not the answer? Why not?

    I am curious as to why everybody seems to say that suicide is not the answer. Let me juxtapose committing suicide and not committing suicide. Committing suicide pros: -A final end to my miserable life, with it's sole purpose of tying me down and having it wave at me as it passes me by. Day...
  3. endoflife

    Terribly depressed ...

    You know that feeling you get in your stomach after you've done something really bad at school, and a security guard walks into one of your classes, puts his hand on your shoulder and says "You are wanted at the deans office."? Well, that is the feeling I have constantly now, among others. Also...
  4. endoflife

    Another weekend at home, indoors all day.

    Well there goes another lonely weekend. Friday, saturday and soon to be sunday all spent at home, doing nothing but being on the computer. Anybody else in the same situation?
  5. endoflife

    Son of a .... can't listen to music without... :'(

    Listening to music is one of the few remaining things I do to keep myself somewhat uplifted and busy. Well lately, whenever I listen to any music that deals with anything related to being with a girl, or having a wife and/or girlfriend (pretty much all music), for example, Cat's Cradle, I...
  6. endoflife

    Need help quick, girl in class!!

    Long story short, I have very few "friends", and I never do anything after school, always go home and listen to music and use the computer in private. The few "friends I have/had, I only see and talk to at school. Never go to or am invited to parties or anything like that, very shy and have SA...
  7. endoflife

    What do you think I look like?

    Hi, my parents, other adults and even another girl my age (she was high though) are all people who have told me that I am really good looking. But thats not what I see when I look in a mirror. I know it's really the inside that counts, but I also want to know if I really am good looking on the...
  8. endoflife

    Think it will help? I want it to stop :'(

    Well it seems the lexapro I was on made my depression worse, and it didn't do anything to help my social anxiety. I am having my lexapro changed over to zoloft, which I had some success with in the past, in fact I don't even know why I switched to lexapro. In addition to the zoloft, I am also...
  9. endoflife

    Please help, I'm desperate. Have been contemplating suicide

    I dont know what to do anymore. This might be a long post. I am 15 and am in 10th grade. I am on Lexapro but it dosnt seem to help. I think I have depression and severe SA. At school, during my free periods and lunch period, I do not go to the lunch room. Ever. I am to embarrassed. Instead I go...