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  1. MentalyBlind

    MentalyBlind is BACK!

    hello everyone! I am back from my travels and adventures, more to come in a few months, china and japan next! woo anyway, I was just going to ask has anyone ever tried the P90X work out? if not i HIGHLY recommend it. It took me 90 days and i was all gross and out of shape before but i have been...
  2. MentalyBlind

    I know what I am... do you?

    I have been examining my mind and it's dynamics, "why I do the things I do" I have a Machiavellian complex and it is quite severe, not that I am complaining or anything, sure lack of morals do help with my research in my work of psychology and in hobbies in botany by blocking out distractions...
  3. MentalyBlind

    looks like im not broken after all.

    For as long as i can remember i have been picked on, beat up and labeled as a geek or nerd, dork, loser, idiot, stupid, immature. the list goes on, but hey the way i see it, the freaks and weirdos are the ones who make it big when they are older if pissed off enough. but compared to the people...
  4. MentalyBlind

    it's just the wind.

    this scared me. yea so let me tell you all about the week i was quite odd. it's like the wind was telling me something, and yes i believe in things I can not see, i am just not religious, no collective beliefs for this guy! anyway i was walking down the block and a strong breeze sort...
  5. MentalyBlind

    How to read faces and improve your dating life guaranteed!!!!!!!

    Okay! so we all have had a really crappy relationship or two in the past or are still going through one and you can't figure out how to get around your partners emotions or figure them out! well I am here to help you out with that! and since this works on every single person on the planet you...
  6. MentalyBlind

    The Art of Influence!

    Babies and psychopaths have one thing in common: They're excellent at getting what they want. Many of us could learn a thing or two from these creatures, tantrums and dirty tactics notwithstanding. That's not to say that, like these ingrates, we should feel entitled to everything we want. Many...
  7. MentalyBlind

    Top ten myths of an introvert

    Top ten myths about introverts Myth #1 – Introverts don’t like to talk. This is not true. Introverts just don’t talk unless they have something to say. They hate small talk. Get an introvert talking about something they are interested in, and they won’t shut up for days. Myth #2 – Introverts...
  8. MentalyBlind

    I just got it lol

    I was reading some posts today and I thought to my self, if most people here have a social phobia then how can they openly talk to millions of people, since it's on the Internet I mean. so in a way everyone on this site is more open than everyone else in the world, cause not everyone can talk...
  9. MentalyBlind

    A User's Manual for the Human Experience

    here I have listen to this audio book today i thought it was pretty good.
  10. MentalyBlind

    The lions of the social scene

    Hey everyone! I started this thread to help the people who are willing to listen and use what I tell them. keep in mind that some of the things i am going to say can hurt others but it can also GET YOU OUT of you shell and be a lot more social in a group of people or one-on-one situations that...
  11. MentalyBlind

    Memories that make you happy

    list things or a story that made you really happy and glad to be alive, one moment in your life where you felt at peace with everything, even if it's just thinking about things that make you joyful :) the thing that makes me the most happy is running in the woods for a workout and caring for...
  12. MentalyBlind

    paradigm shift ( Mentalyblind's journal )

    I just had a paradigm shift and a new wonderful outlook on life. As in my last post about social engineering and how it changed everything for me and how everything started coming together, I found myself taking up running and now I have a few people that run with me. I gotta say that being...
  13. MentalyBlind

    A special trick to being a lot more social

    Hello everyone! I am in a great mood lately because I stumbled upon something pretty fun and exciting that helps me socialize in a big way...and before learning this my social skills were reallllllllllly bad. I use to walk away when people looked at me or even said hello. I found this book...
  14. MentalyBlind


    Hey Im from Newfoundland is anyone else?
  15. MentalyBlind

    I think I just need a really good friend

    I think Im in need of a really loyal fun friend, I guess that why I talk to myself a lot. cause I can't seem to connect with others. im boring or so im told. but I don't feel boring, and the feed back I get from others is quite crippling. ::(:
  16. MentalyBlind

    family problems and life path lost.

    I don't really know why I signed up but I have a difficulty adjusting to adult life. but atm im applying to adult education to get my grade 12 and go to college due to getting in with the wrong crowd. I am depressed most of the time and scared of everything new but want a total change in my life...