family problems and life path lost.


Well-known member
I don't really know why I signed up but I have a difficulty adjusting to adult life. but atm im applying to adult education to get my grade 12 and go to college due to getting in with the wrong crowd. I am depressed most of the time and scared of everything new but want a total change in my life but im scared at the same time. I can't stand anyone telling me what to do. or the word "work" cause dad keeps comparing his life growing up to mine saying I should be this or I should be that... and you can't talk to that dude it's like shaking a red cape in front of a bull. so I lose every convo I have with him. and it lead me to be scared of my own father. and the rest of the family is as dysfunctional as they come. pill popping to numb pain (mother) overly assertive little brat (sister) and the work is the only thing in life everything else is stupid (father) and the i wanna live my dreams if it kills me so no detours (me)

and my family keeps saying "go get a girlfriend, make some friends" it's that easy *rolls eyes* and I really want to move out but it's like I can't move im stuck and there are no jobs available in my small town so im **** out of luck. I really need a book like "HOW TO BE AN ADULT 101" I only learn from reading and watching how too a how to junkie. i draw and am on the computer all the time but I do have training in webdesign and 3d animation but I really want to be in film as a script writer and director. so im going to film school after I get my 12. I guess I knew my path after all just had to talk randomly. just growing up is the hard part.


Well-known member
Yeah man I can really relate to you,my family is the same they never stop complaining but they never asked me if I need help or if I need talk to them, they just wana see results.
Anyway welcome to SPW ,if you ever need to talk you are welcomed to inbox/chat me.


Well-known member
yea mine are always after results. and I guess the reason i read so much and watch instructional videos is cause I been called dumb a lot in school so i guess im thinking about it subconsciously and trying to know everything i can get my hands on to prove that im not dumb..hmm kinda makes sense. self improvement is like a huge hobby of mine.


Well-known member
yea mine are always after results. and I guess the reason i read so much and watch instructional videos is cause I been called dumb a lot in school so i guess im thinking about it subconsciously and trying to know everything i can get my hands on to prove that im not dumb..hmm kinda makes sense. self improvement is like a huge hobby of mine.

No your not dumb,I to feel like everything in life must have an instruction manual.
But the hard truth is some things are only learned the hard way,so the problem with you,me and others is that we dont wana take risks.


Well-known member
hmm that seems right, i should be taking more risks, put myself in strange situations, like an acting class... might help me break out of my shell


Well-known member
We need to make our hobby the search for challenges if we wana get past our fear of failure,of risks.Were is a challenge that's the place were you must be.


Well-known member
well-- like anyone who has lost their path; you need to find a new one!

Try building a list of things you enjoy over time and surround yourself with those things.
Take risks, accept your past for what it is and build your new life-- become a new person-- a person whom you can like.

Stay positive!


Well-known member
Im writing one up right now. thats a helpful thing to be doing, cause i haven't been very positive for a very long time.