I know what I am... do you?


Well-known member
I have been examining my mind and it's dynamics, "why I do the things I do"
I have a Machiavellian complex and it is quite severe, not that I am complaining or anything, sure lack of morals do help with my research in my work of psychology and in hobbies in botany by blocking out distractions such as, entertainment (tv, games, music) and so on. The thing I can't seem to figure out is why i have such a thirst for knowledge, knowing everything i get my hands on or show interest in is a bit of a curse.

i remember when I was just getting into science around the age of 9. My pet mice have died and something led me to dissect them in a moment of exploration. I drew every organ and it's placement in the mice on paper and then wrote about it for show and tell at school...I got sent to the school psychologist for examining.

once I was a bit older maybe around the age of 11 i started to study alchemy, you know the old school way with plants and it's effects on the human and animal system. that made me buy mice and experiment on them with different plants like "poison hemlock" and "nightshade", that year was very expansive in how i was learning to do things in my studies.

only when i was in grade 9 i wanted to start psychology once i seen my doctor play mind games with me, thats only happen when I said psychology was bull ****, then she started to make me say things that she wanted me to but led me to believe that it was my idea, and i was hooked, ever since then i have been reading faces and studying others and there attitudes among other tricks of the trade.

so after recording every lucid memory of my youth that i can recollect i have seen that I am highly into learning just don't know why and very good at adapting to the psychology of others for my advantage which is Machiavellian in nature and I am narcissistic, well isn't everyone narcissistic in some way or another.

in other words I am crazy. tell me about yourself and lets see if i can tell what you are. just so everyone knows im not a psychopath...not the evil kind anyway, but are YOU?


Well-known member
Why do you think you are crazy? You like to learn so there's nothing really wrong with that.
Although dissecting your pet mice was a little extreme.


Well-known member
Well for the longest I can remember I never had ambition in life. Never wanted to become something or someone by society standard. I simply wanted to live life without limit. I never want to work or do much. I just wish I could win the lotto so that the money side would be cover.

Always being shy, never let a lot of people in. I don't like to show emotion, often I'm not sure I have any. As time goes by I care about less things, a lot less.

So who am I?