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  1. takethislife


    Have you heard of NoFap? "NoFap hosts challenges in which participants abstain from pornography and/or masturbation for a period of time." That is 90 days. Apparently excessive masturbation and viewing pornography change the chemistry of your brain which has multiple manifestations, one of...
  2. takethislife

    Did you ever...

    I have a confession to make. I put people in two boxes. (hm more than two actually :thinking: but the two are relevant for this thread ) When I read people's stories and experiences on SPW, if they say 'my girlfriend doesn't understand...' or 'my ex...' I instantly put the poster in a box...
  3. takethislife


    This is a cool game, not sure how it's gonna work in english but let's give it a try. You play it like this You have to make a sentence whose every word starts with with a letter of a word (in order). Then you bold a word from that sentence to choose it for somedy else to make a sentence. For...
  4. takethislife

    wake up

    Hello. This isn't about SA but still please read. I don't know how to start so I'll cut to the chase. For the last couple of months I've noticed hearing louder sounds make popping in my ears. I have been listening to loud music on headphones. I've seen an audiologist and I can only thank God...
  5. takethislife

    I can't look at girls

    I travel by streetcar or bus every day for years now. I have this, sort of a problem. Often a girl is standing next to me or somewhere I can see her. I just can't look at her direction in that situation. I just can't do it. I'm not sure why. Well, SA obviously. Guess I'm thinking that she'll...
  6. takethislife

    Would you rather be pretty and stupid or ugly and smart?

    I'm thinking pretty and stupid is maybe better....? At least then you wouldn't worry of what people think of you cuz you wouldn't even realize when you DO look funny or something.
  7. takethislife

    A normal life

    I guess this goes to those over 30 or 40 or at least adults Has anyone managed to have a normal life in spite of... everything? I'm talking to those of you who had SA as teens, weirdos, those who never talked and always have been bullied, you know, losers as teens. And by this 'normal life' I...
  8. takethislife

    What's your favourite weather/time of the day?

    A couple of days ago daylight saving time was over. The sun goes down at like 5pm and since it's november more and more evenings are foggy. I just love that. I love this time of the year when there's no rain only fog. How about you?
  9. takethislife

    How depression looks like for you?

    Hi I'm new to this subforum. I'm thinking I might have depression. So I was wondering if you guys diagnosed with depression could describe how it looks like. You know that thread "You might be socially anxious if..."? Something like that. I mean specific things in everyday life, your thoughts...
  10. takethislife

    How you describe the feeling during a feared situation?

    Say you're in school, and you're given an assignment to write an essay on something. The teacher asks who would like to read theirs. No one answers and the teacher says in that case she would call someone up. In that moment you, of course, fear you would be called. And it happens you're...
  11. takethislife

    Day dreaming

    Do you fantasize about stuff? How often do you do it? I do it a lot. I have this whole alternate reality in my head, which is basically what could happen or what could have happened in real life. I've made a whole storyline and created a number or characters. Is it unhealthy to live in your...
  12. takethislife

    Stuttering when asking

    So this is getting a problem in the last couple of years. I don't remember stuttering that much before. Why it happens??? :mad: It got to the point where i would say something (like in a group) but i don't because i know i will stutter. I sometimes had a problem in school when i knew the answer...
  13. takethislife

    Do you have a computer in your room? you don't have to worry about someone constantly looking @ what you're doing behind your back?
  14. takethislife

    Do you think bullying is a natural thing?

    Struggle for survival happens in nature all the time. Only the fittest survive. It's the same in the human world. I'm staring to believe that bullying is a part of natural selection. The ones who are not able to defend themselves wont be able to survive. They will become extinct. Tell me it's...
  15. takethislife

    Good things that make life worth living

    So this thread was on an another forum and I thought it would be a good idea to have it here, due to a lot of us often feel like life isn't worth living. Count (put an ordinal number), so we can see how many things we can list. Post EVERYTHING what you think of no matter how small it is. On that...
  16. takethislife

    I just came to a realization: Life IS beautiful! But not for us.

    *warning rant* I saw people on here writing 'I missed things', 'i missed my teen years' but i never really understanded that because I didn't know what I was missing. In the last month or so i happened to have experienced a tiny bit of (social) life and even that tiny bit made me realise that i...
  17. takethislife

    The first thing you do when you wake up

    ? I often turn on the computer
  18. takethislife


    alright so i don't intend to go, or better to say I want to avoid it at all costs... But its not that simple well actually it is but the thing is i had almost never participated in any after school activities like trips etc. And when i tell my classteacher (possibly in front of the class) that...
  19. takethislife

    Where is this picture/quote/verse/whatever from?

    As you can see I'm bored so... Let's play a game!:D RULE: If you post an answer you have to post your own question (so it keeps going). Feel free to post new questions without posting an answer. Ok I'll go first an easy one
  20. takethislife

    Are you being bullied/had been bullied?

    If yes, had it affected your life?