How you describe the feeling during a feared situation?


Well-known member
Say you're in school, and you're given an assignment to write an essay on something. The teacher asks who would like to read theirs. No one answers and the teacher says in that case she would call someone up.

In that moment you, of course, fear you would be called.

And it happens you're called to step in front of everyone and read. So you start reading, trembling and blushing, and you see faces grinning and hear people whispering "look he/she is so red" or "what a weirdo" or something. At one point you drop your paper and hear a wave of chuckle. The teacher goes shhhhh. You finally somehow read it and on your way back you trip and fall to the ground. Everyone laughs.

I think a lot of you have been in a similar situaton (ok maybe not that horrible). This is basically a nightmare for someone with SA.

Now, I'm asking you how would you describe how you felt during that situation?
You will probably say panic, dread or something similar. At least that's for me.
But, those feelings are really feelings of fear.
What I'm saying is, before the event you were fearing it would happen. If you're scared of the dentist, when you finally go there you feel pain. So pain is what you really fear. When something like this happens, during the event you again felt fear. Fear of what??? Embarassment? You've already embarassed yourself. The feared event happened and you're still panicking.

So basically our fear is just that our fear will get worse :confused:


Well-known member
Well , that event made your body produce adrenalin , so the blushing , trembling , sweating and panicking won't go away instantly , you start with a fear of being judged , mocked and laughed at , the fear instantly kick in and make you so nervous you can't perform well , so of course you stutter , shake , and so on , then you hear laughs and comments , so your fear just keeps on multiplying , and then when this is over you replay the whole scene in your mind so the fear won't go away yet . The next time you might be called in front of the class , the fear of a fear will kick in .


Well-known member
I had to do speeches like that in front of my class. As calm as I tried to be, I would stutter and my hands would be shaking. I wanted to speak, and then get the hell back to my seat as fast as possible. They were one of the worst things about school (on par with group assignments and the psychological bullying). I'm so glad I'm a little more confident now and that I don't have to do things like that anymore!