Where is this picture/quote/verse/whatever from?


Well-known member
As you can see I'm bored so... Let's play a game!:D
RULE: If you post an answer you have to post your own question (so it keeps going). Feel free to post new questions without posting an answer.

Ok I'll go first an easy one


Well-known member
Well I didn't want to ask a question because I wasn't sure if I was right! I thought it might've been Braveheart or something lol

Okay.....I really can't think of a better one than this right now. It may be quite hard and I'm relying on someone from the UK to answer. I'll give a clue and say it's from a television show. Where is this building from?


(If nobody gets it don't worry about it just move on lol sorry)


Well-known member
so sorry for not responding earlier! you see as I get very addicted to the internet I'm trying not to come here as often so I come in short bursts for my "fix" lol!

Let's see which film....well I think it's the end of the second one, when Gandalf comes with all the reinforcements....it could be the third one though....but I'll say the Two Towers!